My precious Liv,
You are 4 months old today. How is that even possible? 4 months already? I can't even handle it. You are acting like such a big girl now and do not want to be treated like a baby anymore. :( You don't like being cuddled to rock anymore, you would rather just lay down all alone and go to sleep. The only time I still feel like you are a little baby is when you eat. You still like for me to cuddle you during feedings. Thank goodness! You try to stand up in our laps all the time and want to be turned around to see everything. You are taking in everything you see now. You have noticed your hands and your tongue. You'll spit your pacifier out to suck on your hands or stick your tongue out and make a smacking sound.
You are trying to figure out how to reach and grab things. It's so cute watching you focus so hard on trying to get your little arms to reach out for our hands or toys. You've started wanting to hold our hands all the time. If you are fussy and restless all we have to do is hold out our hand for you to hold and you go right to sleep. When we lay you in our bed you snuggle up as close as you can get to me and as long as I'm right there you sleep so sound. You were sleeping through the night but thanks to holidays and your schedule being thrown off, you have been waking up to eat again at least once a night the past week.
You still nurse like a champ and you look like a little roly poly. Your cheeks are so chubby and so darn cute! You still don't like to burp but when you do you sound like Mama and Nanny. You burp SO loud! You have started losing a lot of your hair. Especially on the sides and in the back. You love to watch your Daddy dance all over the house and you even try to imitate some of his moves with your arms.
You are laughing out loud now and it melts us! Your little voice is the sweetest sound we've ever heard. You are producing all of the vowel sounds now and will occasionally throw in consonants /m, n, h, g/. You bat your eyes when anything gets close to you. We can probably thank Nova girl for that. She's been all in your face since we brought you home from the hospital. You love to play peek-a-boo and patty cake with Papa.
You stare the TV and our phones all the time but I still don't let you around them too much. Your rolling over on both side from your belly and your trying real hard to roll from your back but your not there yet. You still love to take baths and you pull your little legs up to your chest when we change your diaper. You are wearing size 2 diapers and are in 6-9 month clothes.
You had your first Christmas this past week and you absolutely loved it. You just stared at your presents like you knew what they were. We can't wait to watch you keep growing and become your own little person.
We love you so much,
-Happy Holidays 2015-
We just wrapped the holiday season and once again we have been SO blessed. Spending time with family and letting everyone get to spend time with Liv was better than getting presents. When your a kid and even a young adult, you don't really understand the true meaning of Christmas. As you get older you become more and more aware of the important things. I found myself this Christmas, not caring at all about gifts. I can honestly say that the way I felt this year was a first for me. My heart was so full. All I wanted to do was spend time with my baby girl and my family. We headed up to Branson on Monday and spent 3 days with my family. It was so refreshing and wonderful. We came back home Christmas Eve night to start our own tradition with Liv on Christmas morning at our house.
All I could think about this holiday season was how much my heart has grown in areas that I didn't even know existed. Having a child of my own has opened my eyes and my heart to the true meaning of a lot of things. Especially the true meaning of Christmas. All of my focus shifted away from me and onto Liv. I thought about our Lord and Savior and about the story of His birth. I prayed about Bradley and I being able to teach her the important things and to always love God and Jesus. We read many Christmas books to her throughout the weeks leading up to Christmas, but the Children's book I got her that has 25 Christmas stories from the Bible in it was our favorite. It read about Jesus' birth, the 3 Wisemen, and the Star of Bethlehem.
Watching family love on Liv and everyone showing happiness this season made me appreciate things so much more. She brings out the best in everyone and makes everything bad disappear. I thank God daily for giving us the most precious gift of His son and the blessing of our baby. I hope everyone had fun filled holidays.
Your first trip to Silver Dollar City. You loved watching the parade and all the bright Christmas lights.
All I could think about this holiday season was how much my heart has grown in areas that I didn't even know existed. Having a child of my own has opened my eyes and my heart to the true meaning of a lot of things. Especially the true meaning of Christmas. All of my focus shifted away from me and onto Liv. I thought about our Lord and Savior and about the story of His birth. I prayed about Bradley and I being able to teach her the important things and to always love God and Jesus. We read many Christmas books to her throughout the weeks leading up to Christmas, but the Children's book I got her that has 25 Christmas stories from the Bible in it was our favorite. It read about Jesus' birth, the 3 Wisemen, and the Star of Bethlehem.
Watching family love on Liv and everyone showing happiness this season made me appreciate things so much more. She brings out the best in everyone and makes everything bad disappear. I thank God daily for giving us the most precious gift of His son and the blessing of our baby. I hope everyone had fun filled holidays.
-Letters to Liv {3 months}-
My sweet sweet girl,
It breaks my heart that you are growing so darn fast and are already 3 months old. I love being your Mama and you make me a better, happier person. I don't know how I did life before you. You have given me so much self-worth and have shown me a side of love that I have never known before. You are just the cutest and smartest little thing. You definitely know who me and your Daddy are. Every time we go anywhere you are constantly keeping a close eye on one of us the whole time. You are so alert now and are taking everything in. We can tell that your little brain is running 90 mph trying to figure out this big ole world. You kick your legs and flail your arms all the time, but especially when you are being talked to. You have recently started sleeping through the night (HALLELUJAH)! It scared me to death the first night you did it. I woke up in a panic, checking you to make sure you were breathing. You are still sleeping in your bassinet beside our bed. You love to talk! Seriously, once you get started there is literally no making you stop until you get tired. Which makes this SLP mama so happy. I love watching you develop. God is truly amazing and that only keeps getting confirmed the more you grow.
You recently started to dislike yawning and burping. It makes you so mad! When Nana has to burp you in the middle of your bottle when I'm at work, you would think you were being so mistreated the way you scream. Nova girl loves to lick your hands, toes, and head. You don't mind your hands and head as much, but you HATE when she licks your toes. Your feet are so ticklish like Daddy's. You are rolling more often from your belly and still don't necessarily like tummy time, but you do it. You smile all the time and it melts us! You are just so beautiful!
You celebrated your first Thanksgiving and got to meet one of your little friends, Bennett. We can't wait to go on vacation with him and little Kennedy this summer. We love you so much baby! Happy 3 Months!
It breaks my heart that you are growing so darn fast and are already 3 months old. I love being your Mama and you make me a better, happier person. I don't know how I did life before you. You have given me so much self-worth and have shown me a side of love that I have never known before. You are just the cutest and smartest little thing. You definitely know who me and your Daddy are. Every time we go anywhere you are constantly keeping a close eye on one of us the whole time. You are so alert now and are taking everything in. We can tell that your little brain is running 90 mph trying to figure out this big ole world. You kick your legs and flail your arms all the time, but especially when you are being talked to. You have recently started sleeping through the night (HALLELUJAH)! It scared me to death the first night you did it. I woke up in a panic, checking you to make sure you were breathing. You are still sleeping in your bassinet beside our bed. You love to talk! Seriously, once you get started there is literally no making you stop until you get tired. Which makes this SLP mama so happy. I love watching you develop. God is truly amazing and that only keeps getting confirmed the more you grow.
You recently started to dislike yawning and burping. It makes you so mad! When Nana has to burp you in the middle of your bottle when I'm at work, you would think you were being so mistreated the way you scream. Nova girl loves to lick your hands, toes, and head. You don't mind your hands and head as much, but you HATE when she licks your toes. Your feet are so ticklish like Daddy's. You are rolling more often from your belly and still don't necessarily like tummy time, but you do it. You smile all the time and it melts us! You are just so beautiful!
You celebrated your first Thanksgiving and got to meet one of your little friends, Bennett. We can't wait to go on vacation with him and little Kennedy this summer. We love you so much baby! Happy 3 Months!
Life Lately Through Instagram
So I recently deleted my Facebook account. I've become way too upset over things that I had seen on my feed lately. I was scrolling through it one morning and just realized that I literally didn't care to see anything that was reading as I scrolled. I used to be addicted to Facebook and I would have anxiety at the thought of not having it. I loved being in the know and seeing how many likes or comments I could get on my pictures or posts. I even got to where I depended on Facebook to assure me of my self worth. Stupid. Just dumb. So last Friday I made the leap to completely delete it out of my life. I deleted it off everything I own so I would not be tempted to activate it again. I can honestly say that I don't miss it at all and I have already noticed a huge difference in the way I feel and my thoughts. I kept my Instagram because it is so much better and here's a little update on life lately.
Your First Halloween. You were a lady bug.
Headed to clean up daddy's office.
Daddy's first basketball game as a Coach.
You got to meet some of Mama's best friends today. You looked so cute in your buffalo plaid.
Pretty girl in one of the super cute outfits Courtney got you.
Cheering on Daddy and the CAC Mustangs.
-Letters to Liv {2 Months}-
Baby girl,
How are you 2 months old already? Time just keeps flying by and I love it and hate it at the same time. I love watching you grow but hate the reality of it. You are so big and so BEAUTIFUL! Your Daddy and I are so in love with you! You have the cutest little expressions and when you smile at us our hearts melt a million times over. You rolled over the other night and I couldn't believe my eyes. You are only 2 months old, how are you doing that?? I was so proud of you! You are becoming more alert every day and you love to watch your puppy dog run around, ceiling fans, and you really pay attention to your story books. You are not liking tummy time, yawning real big, getting your clothes changed, or when we turn the bright lights on. You have gone through two constipation spells so far and it breaks our hearts. You will just cry and kick your legs so hard because your tummy hurts so bad. Mama tries everything the doctor told her to do to get you to go, but sometimes you just can't. You are going 3 hours during feedings throughout the day and are sleeping 3-4 hours a time at night. Lately you have been sleeping with Mama and Daddy because of your constipation and wanting to be close to us. You were doing so good in your bassinet until you started having tummy problems again. You are beginning to coo and vocalize. You make great eye contact with anyone who is talking to you and you track like a champ. You've started taking turns vocally too. You will coo and I always make a big deal about it and talk to you so excited. Then I'll look away and you do it again to get my attention and you always get the biggest smile on your face. We keep doing it over and over until you get bored. You went to your first Fall Carnival at Mama's work last night. You dressed as a lady bug and were the cutest one we ever did see.
I went back to work this past Monday. It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do so far. You were asleep when I left which made it that much harder. Your Nana is keeping you the 3 days that I work and I'm so thankful for that. I don't worry about you because you have the best person taking care of you. You seemed to really miss me, too! You couldn't wait to nurse when I got home and honestly it was the most incredible moment between us, kind of like when we did skin to skin in the hospital right after you were born. Your Daddy is starting to play with you more and more and become more comfortable with you. He's so smitten with you and SO protective. The way he loves you makes me love him so much more. You have blessed our lives more than you will ever know. We love you so much, sweet girl!
How are you 2 months old already? Time just keeps flying by and I love it and hate it at the same time. I love watching you grow but hate the reality of it. You are so big and so BEAUTIFUL! Your Daddy and I are so in love with you! You have the cutest little expressions and when you smile at us our hearts melt a million times over. You rolled over the other night and I couldn't believe my eyes. You are only 2 months old, how are you doing that?? I was so proud of you! You are becoming more alert every day and you love to watch your puppy dog run around, ceiling fans, and you really pay attention to your story books. You are not liking tummy time, yawning real big, getting your clothes changed, or when we turn the bright lights on. You have gone through two constipation spells so far and it breaks our hearts. You will just cry and kick your legs so hard because your tummy hurts so bad. Mama tries everything the doctor told her to do to get you to go, but sometimes you just can't. You are going 3 hours during feedings throughout the day and are sleeping 3-4 hours a time at night. Lately you have been sleeping with Mama and Daddy because of your constipation and wanting to be close to us. You were doing so good in your bassinet until you started having tummy problems again. You are beginning to coo and vocalize. You make great eye contact with anyone who is talking to you and you track like a champ. You've started taking turns vocally too. You will coo and I always make a big deal about it and talk to you so excited. Then I'll look away and you do it again to get my attention and you always get the biggest smile on your face. We keep doing it over and over until you get bored. You went to your first Fall Carnival at Mama's work last night. You dressed as a lady bug and were the cutest one we ever did see.
I went back to work this past Monday. It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do so far. You were asleep when I left which made it that much harder. Your Nana is keeping you the 3 days that I work and I'm so thankful for that. I don't worry about you because you have the best person taking care of you. You seemed to really miss me, too! You couldn't wait to nurse when I got home and honestly it was the most incredible moment between us, kind of like when we did skin to skin in the hospital right after you were born. Your Daddy is starting to play with you more and more and become more comfortable with you. He's so smitten with you and SO protective. The way he loves you makes me love him so much more. You have blessed our lives more than you will ever know. We love you so much, sweet girl!
-4th Trimester Blues-
I've dreaded writing this post, but honestly, I think it's exactly what I need right now. To just sit here with a cup of coffee and write down my thoughts and feelings about how I've been feeling since I became a mother. Now don't get me wrong it's the absolute best gift in the world, but with that great joy also comes great responsibility and in my case some postpartum depression. Writing and talking about it to others has become my only way of coping with it. It's probably more baby blues than depression since it's not so bad that I need medical help, but she's also almost 2 months old. Before I got pregnant I wanted a baby so bad. I felt like I was at that point in my life where it was time to start trying to have babies. I was 25 and pretty skinny for my height. I knew my body would change throughout pregnancy and I was okay with that, until it actually started happening. I had a few breakdowns, mainly when clothes wouldn't fit anymore but then I got over it every time we had an appointment and found out she was healthy. That's all I wanted was for her to be a healthy baby. I also never thought I would get stretch marks. I've read so many articles about stretch marks being hereditary and my grandma didn't have any and my mom only had one deep one. So I thought I would be good in that area. Nope, not the case with me. I didn't have any stretch marks until I hit week 35. Then I started noticing them around my belly button and some small ones underneath it. I carried her so low the entire time that my upper abdomen didn't really have to stretch that much, but my lower abdomen went through the ringer. Even when I went into labor at 38 weeks, 2 days I didn't have that many and the ones I did have I could be okay with because they weren't that bad. I had girls tell me the whole time that they didn't have stretch marks until after they had the baby, but again I never thought that would be me. They were totally right. After I got home and started examining my stomach, I had them everywhere, literally everywhere. The skin around my belly button looks like a sunburst tattoo in white ink. They are all over my sides too which were not there before I had her. Before pregnancy I always tried to keep my stomach looking good and fit. It was my favorite area on my body. Now, I absolutely HATE it. When I sit down I have fat rolls, my skin is flabby, and all marked up. Don't get me wrong I'm so thankful to God that I had a healthy, beautiful baby girl, but the postpartum thoughts are definitely getting the best of me right now. I know it's the devil creeping up in my mind when I have breakdowns and it is so hard to block them out.
I'm not one of those girls that think "oh, I just had a baby so I'm okay with how I look." Nope, not me at all. I expected my body to get back down to it's normal size immediately after having her. Come on now let's be realistic, that just doesn't happen. I did lose a lot of the baby weight I gained within a week of having her and the last time I weighed about a month ago I only had 9 lbs. left to lose. I know, it sounds pretty good to some people, but not in my mind. I also have a lot of friends that were pregnant the same time I was and it seems like every last one of them have gone back down to their pre-baby body. Some of them are already wearing two pieces and don't have any stretch marks. I know I don't need to compare myself to them but I do. We're the same age, same type of build, and had babies around the same size. I just don't understand. Why does my body look hideous? Why did I get stretch marks and they didn't? How do they already feel sexy again and I don't? They look so cute already and I look like a fat cow! These are all thoughts that consume my mind on a daily basis. All I want to do is wear my sweats and over sized sweaters and I hate having to get dressed in real clothes. I literally have a breakdown every time I have to get ready and go somewhere. I'm so self conscious about my body and it really doesn't matter to me if people compliment me or not. I'm my own worst enemy and I don't know how to get over it. Luckily, I have an amazing husband who doesn't care and loves me no matter what but I still have a hard time.
I wouldn't trade my baby girl for anything and I'm so proud of my body for carrying her and keeping her safe and healthy for 9 months. The negativity and hate is all in my mind and the only thing that helps is talking about it and just letting myself break down about it and cry. I've started working out again since I got released and that helps me for a few hours, but then I'm right back to my negative thoughts. My body is just so different now and rightly so, I had a child. I know a lot of women go through postpartum depression and mine is only with myself, I've had no negative thoughts about the baby, thankfully. I just pray that we can all find a way to get through this whether it be talking/writing about it or getting professional help.
Dear Lord,
I pray that you please be with all of us women battling these negative thoughts and feelings about our bodies and help those even more struggling with negative thoughts about their babies. You created our bodies to be capable of doing this amazing thing. I thank you so much for allowing me to conceive and carry a healthy baby girl for 9 months and have a smooth delivery with no complications. I pray that we can see the beauty in your creation rather than listen to the devil tell us how disgusting our body looks. Thank you for loving us and dying on the cross for our sins. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
I'm not one of those girls that think "oh, I just had a baby so I'm okay with how I look." Nope, not me at all. I expected my body to get back down to it's normal size immediately after having her. Come on now let's be realistic, that just doesn't happen. I did lose a lot of the baby weight I gained within a week of having her and the last time I weighed about a month ago I only had 9 lbs. left to lose. I know, it sounds pretty good to some people, but not in my mind. I also have a lot of friends that were pregnant the same time I was and it seems like every last one of them have gone back down to their pre-baby body. Some of them are already wearing two pieces and don't have any stretch marks. I know I don't need to compare myself to them but I do. We're the same age, same type of build, and had babies around the same size. I just don't understand. Why does my body look hideous? Why did I get stretch marks and they didn't? How do they already feel sexy again and I don't? They look so cute already and I look like a fat cow! These are all thoughts that consume my mind on a daily basis. All I want to do is wear my sweats and over sized sweaters and I hate having to get dressed in real clothes. I literally have a breakdown every time I have to get ready and go somewhere. I'm so self conscious about my body and it really doesn't matter to me if people compliment me or not. I'm my own worst enemy and I don't know how to get over it. Luckily, I have an amazing husband who doesn't care and loves me no matter what but I still have a hard time.
I wouldn't trade my baby girl for anything and I'm so proud of my body for carrying her and keeping her safe and healthy for 9 months. The negativity and hate is all in my mind and the only thing that helps is talking about it and just letting myself break down about it and cry. I've started working out again since I got released and that helps me for a few hours, but then I'm right back to my negative thoughts. My body is just so different now and rightly so, I had a child. I know a lot of women go through postpartum depression and mine is only with myself, I've had no negative thoughts about the baby, thankfully. I just pray that we can all find a way to get through this whether it be talking/writing about it or getting professional help.
Dear Lord,
I pray that you please be with all of us women battling these negative thoughts and feelings about our bodies and help those even more struggling with negative thoughts about their babies. You created our bodies to be capable of doing this amazing thing. I thank you so much for allowing me to conceive and carry a healthy baby girl for 9 months and have a smooth delivery with no complications. I pray that we can see the beauty in your creation rather than listen to the devil tell us how disgusting our body looks. Thank you for loving us and dying on the cross for our sins. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
-Letters to Liv {1 Month}-
My sweet baby girl,
I had intended to write your first letter when you turned 1 month old. You are now 6.5 weeks old and growing so so fast. You got your first round of shots last Thursday and boy oh boy did it break your Mama's heart. You were a champ though and only cried for a second. You weigh 11.5 lbs. and are 24 1/4 inches long. You've gained 3.5 lbs. and grown 3 inches since you were born. You are in the 99th percentile for height and your Daddy and I just know you're going to be a 6 foot point guard. You currently love your Mama the most and instantly calm when I'm around. I secretly love it but shh don't tell Daddy. You love to look at fans and your puppy dog, you love to take baths, and to eat. You're not a fan of tummy time although you were a pro at holding your head up since you came out of the womb, you don't particularly like pacifiers but are learning that they're okay, you HATE being hot (you're hot natured, just like your Daddy), and you can get very hangry if Mama waits too long to feed you. You have recently started smiling when you are talked to and it's the cutest little grin ever. You are also tracking objects and turning your head from side to side. You are currently going 2.5-3 hours between feedings during the day and will go as long as 4.5 hours during the night.
I constantly stare in awe at you and try to take in every little detail while you are this young and will let me. I always want to remember your features, your scent, your cries, your happy sounds, the way you look at me with such innocence and excitement, and the way you need and trust me. I never imagined that I could love someone so much but you and your Daddy have me completely blown away with the amount of love I have for you both. I pray that we can do our best to always keep you safe and raise you to be a woman of God. I know we can't always be by your side and protect you from everything which breaks my heart more than you know, but I trust that God will always be holding your hand guiding you through life in good times and bad.
Baby girl, you have completely turned our world upside down and in the best way. How did we ever do life before you? You are the biggest blessing and we are so thankful God chose us to be your parents.
I love you so much,
I had intended to write your first letter when you turned 1 month old. You are now 6.5 weeks old and growing so so fast. You got your first round of shots last Thursday and boy oh boy did it break your Mama's heart. You were a champ though and only cried for a second. You weigh 11.5 lbs. and are 24 1/4 inches long. You've gained 3.5 lbs. and grown 3 inches since you were born. You are in the 99th percentile for height and your Daddy and I just know you're going to be a 6 foot point guard. You currently love your Mama the most and instantly calm when I'm around. I secretly love it but shh don't tell Daddy. You love to look at fans and your puppy dog, you love to take baths, and to eat. You're not a fan of tummy time although you were a pro at holding your head up since you came out of the womb, you don't particularly like pacifiers but are learning that they're okay, you HATE being hot (you're hot natured, just like your Daddy), and you can get very hangry if Mama waits too long to feed you. You have recently started smiling when you are talked to and it's the cutest little grin ever. You are also tracking objects and turning your head from side to side. You are currently going 2.5-3 hours between feedings during the day and will go as long as 4.5 hours during the night.
I constantly stare in awe at you and try to take in every little detail while you are this young and will let me. I always want to remember your features, your scent, your cries, your happy sounds, the way you look at me with such innocence and excitement, and the way you need and trust me. I never imagined that I could love someone so much but you and your Daddy have me completely blown away with the amount of love I have for you both. I pray that we can do our best to always keep you safe and raise you to be a woman of God. I know we can't always be by your side and protect you from everything which breaks my heart more than you know, but I trust that God will always be holding your hand guiding you through life in good times and bad.
Baby girl, you have completely turned our world upside down and in the best way. How did we ever do life before you? You are the biggest blessing and we are so thankful God chose us to be your parents.
I love you so much,
-Olivia Jade's Birth Story-
On Tuesday, August 25th, I went in for my weekly OB check at 38 weeks. I was dilated 4 cm and 90% effaced. My doctor said that my cervix was ready and that he was going out of town that Friday for 10 days. He stripped my membranes and expected me to go into labor that night or early the next morning. If I didn't, he wanted to see me first thing Thursday morning to check me again and that we would most likely have a baby that day. First of all, stripping the membranes hurts SO bad! After I left the doctor's office I called my parents and Bradley to tell them that it could happen anytime within the next two days. Once I got home Bradley and I walked around our neighborhood for an hour and I bounced on my exercise ball all night. Other than being really sore, I really wasn't feeling any regular/consistent contractions. The next day; my mom, grandma, and I went walking around town to pick up some last minute items for the hospital. By noon I was completely exhausted and was having some back labor. Around 2:00 pm I lost my mucus plug and continued to lose it the rest of the night with minor contractions.

On Thursday morning we headed to the doctor around 8:30 am. i was still dilated to 4 cm and 100% effaced. I was officially in "active labor" with cramping and irregular contractions. He stripped my membranes again to get things started. He sent us over to the hospital to check in.
We got checked in around 9:50 am and they began getting all my IV's and monitors hooked up. My doctor came over and broke my water at 11:30 am and started a small drip of pitocin to regulate my contractions. After that my contractions were getting super intense about 3-5 minutes apart. The anesthesiologist was doing a c-section and would be right in as soon as he could for my epidural. I labored with intense contractions for an hour and a half before he finally came in a little after 1:00pm. They checked me and I was still at 4 cm right after my epidural. Those epidurals are magic and such a life saver. I could still feel but it was completely bearable rather than before. About an hour after my epidural they checked me again and I was at 6 cm. I was able to rest and until about 3:00 pm when I was dilated to 10 cm and was ready to labor down. When the nurse sat me up, Olivia was completely on my left side and I could feel my contractions again. I had a "lip" blocking my cervix and she needed to labor down a little to be able to push through it. I started pushing around 3:30 with the nurses and they had to call my doctor because her head was already there. He was so impressed that I had progressed that fast.
When he got there he immediately started stretching me and performed an episiotomy. I kept pushing and our beautiful baby girl was born at 4:11 pm. She barely cried when she came out and it scared me but he said she was perfect and was responding well to everything. Our doctor was so amazing! I can't brag on him enough. We loved him from the first time we met him and he was so excited to deliver Liv. When she came out he rubbed noses with her, with the vernix and everything still all over her. That moment will always remain a memory in my mind. We are so thankful for our whole team that helped get our baby girl here. I can't believe I'm a momma.
Olivia Jade Spencer
4:11 pm
8 lbs. & 21 1/4 in.
-37 Weeks-
How Far Along: 37 weeks, 5 days
Weight Gain: 32 lbs.
Maternity Clothes: Yup!
Gender: Girl!
Movement: She's still moving quite a bit but it's still like stretching movements rather than kicks and jabs.
Food Cravings: None
Food Aversions: None
What I Miss: I'm at that point where I'm ready to not be pregnant anymore. I've enjoyed the journey but I'm huge, uncomfortable and look absolutely terrible. No more pregnancy glow, if I even had it at all? I'm swelling in my hands, feet, and face now as well.
Sleep: I'm up 3-4 times a night now and just can't sleep well. I try to nap as much as I can when I'm home but I'm still working so that is only on the weekends.
What I'm Looking Forward To: Meeting this sweet little babe!
Belly Button: Still doing that weird thing. It's soft and flat but will pooch out a little sometimes.
Weekly Check Update:
I went back to the doctor this past week and I am now 80% effaced and dilated between 2-3cm. He said I was pretty much at a 3 though. He asked if I wanted to go on my own or if I wanted him to induce me at 39 weeks. Of course I said go on my own. I need to make it through at least half of this week of work and then she can come anytime. On Friday, I thought that my water had started leaking. This might be TMI but when I stood up I had something run down my leg and my back started aching and I had mild cramps. I still don't think I have been having any contractions though. I didn't leak anymore that night but when I got up the next morning and started walking around there was more. I ended up calling my doctor and he said that it didn't sound like it was my water, but that it was probably increased discharge and my body was gearing up for labor. Woohoo! I hope I have progressed some more when I go back this week.
-36 Weeks-
How Far Along: 36 weeks, 1 day
Weight Gain: 31 lbs.
Maternity Clothes: Definitely!
Gender: Girl!!
Movement: She is still moving around quite a bit, but her movements feel more like she's stretching rather than kicks and jabs.
Food Cravings: Cereal
Food Aversions: Seafood
What I Miss: Being comfortable. I've hit that point.
Sleep: It's decent. I get up to pee 2 or 3 times now and my belly is always so sore when I get up.
What I'm Looking Forward To: For labor to start, actually I'm nervous but looking forward to it because that means we get to meet this precious little babe of ours!
Belly Button: It looks and feels super weird. It's soft and a brown color as well as where my belly button ring was. It's the craziest thing because I haven't gotten stretch marks any where other than 3 of them sprouting out around my belly button. Super weird looking.
My doctor started checking me this week! I can't believe it's already time!
I'm 70% effaced and dilated 2cm. He said I was progressing quickly on my own and that we might have a baby earlier than my due date. We are so excited and need to get last minute things finished up!
We also had two more baby showers this past week. One at my job and the other with Bradley's family. We have been so abundantly blessed during this special phase of our life and we are so so thankful for everything!
We also had two more baby showers this past week. One at my job and the other with Bradley's family. We have been so abundantly blessed during this special phase of our life and we are so so thankful for everything!
-35 Weeks-
How Far Along: 35 weeks, 5 days
Weight Gain: 30 lbs.
Maternity Clothes: Yes, although I would much prefer not wearing anything at this point.
Gender: Girl!
Movement: Yes! She stills moves quite a bit but her movements have turned into balling up this past week and some of them really hurt. I'm pretty sure there's a foot or something right under my ribs on the left side.
Food Cravings: Nothing
Food Aversions: Nothing
What I Miss: Just being able to eat whatever I want and not feel bad about it.
Sleep: The hip pain is back and it hurts to turn from side to side because my belly is getting so big.
What I'm Looking Forward To: Our doctor's appt. Wednesday. This will be week 36 and he is going to start checking my progress every week. EEk soooo exciting and nerve wrecking at the same time!
Belly Button: It pretty much doesn't exist for some reason? Like it's completely gone and it's soft. Is that weird?? Unless I'm standing up then it pokes out a little.
We had another shower from our church family in Conway yesterday. It was so nice, short, and sweet. My kind of shower. The ladies who hosted it are so wonderful and I'm so blessed to have them as my sisters in Christ.
-2 years & Counting-
I can't believe it's been two years since this amazing day took place. It's so crazy to think that we've only been married two years when we've been together 6 years! This was a wonderful day filled with so much love and happiness but I can honestly say that I am so much more in love today than I was then. Only because I didn't know the impact marriage has. Dating is great and all but it doesn't compare at all to marriage. We have grown so much in so many different areas in the past two years and I am so happy that we chose each other to spend this life with. He is the best choice I've ever made and even on those hard days, there's still no one else I would rather be with. I always wondered if I would ever find someone who believed the way I did and just meshed well with my personality. Then I met my Bradley and knew that I had found him. I'm so excited to watch him become daddy and I can't wait to watch his love unfold for her. Here's to many more happy memories and years, babe! I love you! Happy Anniversary!
-34 Weeks-
How Far Along: 34 weeks, 5 days
Weight Gain: Probably 26-28 lbs.
Maternity Clothes: Yes!
Best Moment This Week: Getting through the work week and our anniversary.
Gender: Girl!!
Movement: She's still really active. Flipping and flopping every where.
Food Cravings: None
Food Aversions: None
What I Miss: Being able to sleep or lay on my belly.
Sleep: I toss and turn but am exhausted all the time so I'm getting a lot of small naps in.
What I'm Looking Forward To: Our next doctor's appt.
Belly Button: Barely poking out.
I haven't been swelling at all until this week. It's only my nose/face and fingers though. My legs and feet haven't swelled at all this whole time. I'm not sure why it's only my face and fingers but it's hard to get my rings on and off. I've also carried her so low the entire time that I'm starting to think I'm getting stretch marks right below my belly button. I hope not but it's getting super tight down there. We can't wait to meet this precious little babe!
-33 Weeks & Showering Baby Liv-
How Far Along: 33 weeks, 5 days
Weight Gain: 26 lbs.
Maternity Clothes: Oh yeah!!
Best Moment This Week: Finding out our baby girl is growing like a little weed. She weighed 5 lbs. 3 oz. at our appointment Monday and our first baby shower!
Gender: Girl!!
Movement: Yes! All the time! I love it!
Food Cravings: Cereal and orange juice.
Food Aversions: Meat
What I Miss: My belly not feeling like it weighs 100 lbs. by itself.
Sleep: Way better than it was before. I'm only getting up once to go to the bathroom.
What I'm Looking Forward To: We go back to the doctor in two weeks.
Belly Button: Still poking out a tad.
This past weekend my family and friends threw us the most amazing and adorable baby shower. We received so many things and it was so evident how blessed we are. I can't thank everyone enough for the most wonderful shower I could have ever imagined.
-32 Weeks-
Okay, so I am totally aware that I look like at hot mess in this picture. It's 100 degrees outside and I have been SO exhausted lately! I can't get enough naps.
How Far Along: 32 weeks, 5 days
Weight Gain: I'm not sure. We go back to the doctor tomorrow so I'll find out then.
Maternity Clothes: YES!
Best Moment This Week: Going to our breastfeeding class. It was so interesting and we learned so much. Bradley was so intrigued by a lot of it because it was so beneficial. He has definitely laid down some ground rules for when I deliver and visitors because we totally plan on doing skin to skin for the first hour of our little ones life.
Gender: Girl!!
Movement: Oh yes! All the time still. She's stronger and bigger but I am cherishing these days. I know I will miss them so much!
Food Cravings: Nothing really.
Food Aversions: Fried food and eggs (unless they're boiled). It's mainly the smells!
What I Miss: Laying out! The heat used to never bother me and I would be outside every day working on my tan. That is definitely not an option right now. The heat makes me nauseated if I'm outside for too long.
Sleep: My body aches ALL night. I'm sleeping decent but any time I turn over she is heavy enough now that she just rolls from one side to the other and it's sometimes painful.
What I'm Looking Forward To: Our Doctor's appointment tomorrow.
Belly Button: Barely poking out.
-Nursery Sneak Peak-
I've been working on and off for the past two months on Liv's nursery. It's coming along slowly only because I am literally the most picky and OCD person and every time I try something it seems to not meet my expectations so I change my mind. I've finally gotten it close to where I want it. I will post the finished product when I get it finished. I'm loving the way it is looking so far though.
-Maternity Pictures-
Yesterday Bradley and I did our maternity pictures at the Old Mill in Little Rock with our photographer that did our engagements and wedding. It was crazy how much more comfortable you are taking pictures with someone you know. I'm almost 32 weeks pregnant and I know that seems kind of early to do pictures, but it's been 100 degrees already and I'm not swelling too bad yet so I wanted to take them now. The humidity was awful but we battled through it. They turned out beautiful and I'm so glad I will always have them to look at. If you live in Arkansas and need a photographer, check out Jason Crader Photography. He is amazing!
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