||Pregnancy Update||

Holy moly how am I already 20 weeks pregnant?? This pregnancy has seriously been flying by. Probably because I chase a toddler around every day ha! I have been terrible at documenting this pregnancy and I feel awful about it. I never missed a milestone with Liv and I need to start doing better with documenting. So I'm going to go back to 12 weeks and document every month from there. I also felt a lot worse this time around and taking pictures was definitely not on my radar at that time. I feel like I didn't start showing as early this time either. Which is weird because supposedly your second baby is supposed to pop earlier. After my 16 week appointment and blood work, we found out that I am anemic again (no shocker there) so my doctor put me back on my iron pills. It's crazy the way blood can make you feel haha. I feel a million times better since I've been taking them again. I have way more energy but my Ningxia red drink contributes to that as well. Bare with this super long post and the not so great or pretty pictures. My bad.

How far along: 14 weeks.
Weight Gain: None.
Maternity Clothes: Nope.
Best Moment This Week:Getting some "me" time by getting my hair done and fresh cut.
Gender: Don't know yet.
Movement: A few flutters.
Food Cravings: Cucumbers and anything sweet.
Food Aversions: Pretty much everything up to this point.
What I Miss: Not being so nauseous.
Sleep Sleeping great.
What I'm Looking Forward To Starting to show more, feeling better, and seeing our little babe again.
Belly Button In.

How far along: 16 weeks.
Weight Gain: 1 lb.
Maternity Clothes: Nope.
Best Moment This Week: Doctor's appointment and getting to see your sweet little profile.
Gender: Don't know yet. Dr. Cole moved you all around and he just couldn't tell. He said he was guessing about 70% girl. You were definitely uncooperative just like your sister and 16 weeks.
Movement: Lots of flutters.
Food Cravings: Graham crackers and milk.
Food Aversions: Pretty much everything still. Food is just not appealing.
What I Miss: My face not being SO broke out.
Sleep Sleeping great.
What I'm Looking Forward To Finding out your gender so I can start preparing.
Belly Button In.

How far along: 20 weeks.
Weight Gain: 5 lbs.
Maternity Clothes: Nope. Getting closer though. They're definitely more comfortable but I'm still able to button my pants.
Best Moment This Week: Only having to work two days.
Gender: Don't know yet.
Movement: Definitely. You are so much stronger and bigger just by feeling your kicks. You kick the most in the mornings right before I climb out of bed and at night when I stretch out in bed.
Food Cravings: Coffee!!!!
Food Aversions: Nothing really sounds good still.
What I Miss: Not being able to see my stretch marks as bad.
Sleep Sleeping great. Except when big sister wakes up at 4am.
What I'm Looking Forward To Our anatomy scan and finding out your gender on Wednesday.
Belly Button In.

||This Was The Moment||

You know that feeling that you get when you become a mom for the first time and how you think that the newborn phase is the most precious time? It's the hardest but most special with nursing moments and the sweet stillness of a baby who wants nothing but their mother to cuddle into. You think that you want time to stand still in that moment because you know it will pass too quickly. Then that baby grows into a rambunctious, always moving toddler and you miss those still moments so badly. Then they learn how to show you love in totally different ways than cuddling and wanting to be held. They learn how to wrap their little arms around your neck and squeeze so tight. They learn how to kiss you themselves and say "luh oo" back. It's officially tornado season here in Arkansas which means many sleepless nights watching the weather and security systems going off to warnings. How can anyone sleep through that? The other night was one of those nights. Liv woke up because of the alarms and it took her a while to go back to sleep. We try really hard to make her stay in her bed unless it's something like that or if she's sick. Then she can sleep with us. I brought her in our bed around 2 in the morning and she was no where near tired at that point. So we laid in bed and watched the lightning flicker through the window and listened to the rain as daddy snored. Because you know men can literally sleep through anything. She laid there so still in my arms just watching and commenting every time it happened. Then as it died down and it was time to go back to sleep she would flop over to Bradley and lay on him patting his chest then flip over to me and do the same. I was so exhausted and had to get up for work in a few hours but all she wanted to do was lay on my chest and pat my face. Looking into her big brown eyes just made me weap. Granted I am 4 months pregnant and very emotional but that moment meant so much to me as a mother. The way she laid her head on my chest and just stared at me like she knew she was so safe and loved. Then she reached up and kissed me and said "nigh nigh" as she laid back down and fell asleep. Oh my. Cue the crocodile tears and heart melting. She's seriously the sweetest little baby and already knows how to love. These are the moments I was created for.

||Baby Spencer #2||

We have some exciting news!! Baby Spencer #2 is on the way! I am currently two days away from being 17 weeks. We were trying to wait to find out the gender before we announced but this baby didn't cooperate at our last ultrasound. Just like Liv. We found out in early December and managed to keep it from our families until Christmas. Liv was still at preschool at the time and Santa Clause came and it only seemed appropriate that she take a picture with him announcing it on a chalkboard. When we told our families everyone was excited, but in total shock. It seems a little soon but this gal isn't getting any younger and we wanted our babies close in age. I'm due August 13th. Two weeks before Liv turns 2. She's so mature for her age that I'm not real worried. She is obsessed with her babies and I can tell she senses something is going on. She will raise my shirt up and pat my belly and say "baby." It's just the sweetest thing.

So far this pregnancy has been a million times different in a million different ways. I was nauseous for a good 14 weeks. Literally didn't have an appetite at all for weeks and probably actually lost weight instead of gaining. I've been tired but not exhausted. Extremely emotional. Like I would and still could cry over anything. My face has been broke out but nowhere else this time. I broke out in the worst rash last week. I think it was contact dermatitis but still. It was REALLY bad! Also, I have not been near as strict with what I eat/drink this time. I would have never touched caffeine or sugar the last time and this time I'm just not as disciplined. I've honestly felt really guilty about it too. Like if something bad happens it's going to be because of the junk I ate/drank. I'm trying to do better as my appetite increases though. I've not really had many cravings this time other than cucumbers. I totally had aversions to EVERYTHING in the beginning and the smell of eggs or anything cheesy still makes my stomach turn. I'm not really showing yet. I have a small pooch but I really thought that I would've started showing a lot sooner since it's my second baby. Oh well, I'm not complaining as long as the baby is healthy. In our ultrasounds we've had, the baby looks a little smaller than Liv did. I've already been feeling him/her moving around. I forgot how much I missed that. Dr. Cole said that he is about 70% sure it's another girl but I've had zero feelings of it being a girl. From day 1 I've thought it was a boy just because I've felt so differently this time. We will find out on the 29th. We are so excited for this baby and the new journey we're about to embark on. Don't get me wrong though, we could definitely use your prayers.

-Letters to Liv- {18 Months}


Didn't I just write your 17 month post?? Time is flying by, literally. You are already a year and a half old and so grown up. You are talking up a storm and I love it! You're my best friend and I have no clue how I would ever live this life without you. You have completely consumed my heart and I thank God every single day for you. I hope one day you know just how much I love you. Even though it probably won't be until you have a baby of your own and feel that immense emotion totally take you over the minute they're placed in your arms for the first time. I pray that you always know that I will always be right here for you in every way imaginable. I will never leave you alone.

You have really become a little social butterfly this past month. You still mean mug everyone in new places until you get comfortable in the situation then you are so sweet and show your little personality. Last week you participated in Easterseals Fashion Event and you were sooooo cute. The music started playing and you were in heaven. Give you a good tune and you are the happiest little thing. You love music so much and love to dance. I've already been looking into toddler dance classes for you because you love it so much. You are free to do anything YOU want to do. Whether it is what your daddy and I want. You love to wave at people and say "hi" or "bye bye". Even when we're in the car, you will wave at the cars passing by.

You talk ALL the time but you've recently started grunting and pointing for things you want and it's driving me crazy. We're working on that though. You love to play games with us now and are so interactive with it like patty cake and peek-a-boo. You do the motions to all the little songs we sing. You are really trying to say 2-3 word phrases lately. Most of the time it's pretty unintelligible but every now and then we can really understand what you're saying if we know the context. The other night you smelt your shoe and said "ew stinks!" It was seriously the cutest thing. Word list: pizza, cheese, sock, eat, drink, tweet tweet, bird, baby, apple, ew stinks.

You have always loved shoes but you are obsessed right now. You always want them on even if we're just lounging at the house. You love going outside now that the weather has been pretty warm. You are still an animal lover. You want to see all the real animals and you love to look at all your books with animals in them. You have recently become very fond of Barney and Pete the Cat. Your favorite song right now is "If all the Raindrops" and love to say "ah ah ah ah". You are still going through a weird eating phase. Things you used to love you won't eat anymore. You will pretty much only eat oats and applesauce, grilled cheese, peanut butter sandwiches, pizza, and fruit. You have still been trying to cut your back teeth and aren't sleeping as well because of it. Hopefully they will come in soon. I love you so much, sweet girl. I'm going to start planning your 2nd birthday because ya know I'm OCD. Happy 18 Months!!

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