-Letters to Liv- {18 Months}


Didn't I just write your 17 month post?? Time is flying by, literally. You are already a year and a half old and so grown up. You are talking up a storm and I love it! You're my best friend and I have no clue how I would ever live this life without you. You have completely consumed my heart and I thank God every single day for you. I hope one day you know just how much I love you. Even though it probably won't be until you have a baby of your own and feel that immense emotion totally take you over the minute they're placed in your arms for the first time. I pray that you always know that I will always be right here for you in every way imaginable. I will never leave you alone.

You have really become a little social butterfly this past month. You still mean mug everyone in new places until you get comfortable in the situation then you are so sweet and show your little personality. Last week you participated in Easterseals Fashion Event and you were sooooo cute. The music started playing and you were in heaven. Give you a good tune and you are the happiest little thing. You love music so much and love to dance. I've already been looking into toddler dance classes for you because you love it so much. You are free to do anything YOU want to do. Whether it is what your daddy and I want. You love to wave at people and say "hi" or "bye bye". Even when we're in the car, you will wave at the cars passing by.

You talk ALL the time but you've recently started grunting and pointing for things you want and it's driving me crazy. We're working on that though. You love to play games with us now and are so interactive with it like patty cake and peek-a-boo. You do the motions to all the little songs we sing. You are really trying to say 2-3 word phrases lately. Most of the time it's pretty unintelligible but every now and then we can really understand what you're saying if we know the context. The other night you smelt your shoe and said "ew stinks!" It was seriously the cutest thing. Word list: pizza, cheese, sock, eat, drink, tweet tweet, bird, baby, apple, ew stinks.

You have always loved shoes but you are obsessed right now. You always want them on even if we're just lounging at the house. You love going outside now that the weather has been pretty warm. You are still an animal lover. You want to see all the real animals and you love to look at all your books with animals in them. You have recently become very fond of Barney and Pete the Cat. Your favorite song right now is "If all the Raindrops" and love to say "ah ah ah ah". You are still going through a weird eating phase. Things you used to love you won't eat anymore. You will pretty much only eat oats and applesauce, grilled cheese, peanut butter sandwiches, pizza, and fruit. You have still been trying to cut your back teeth and aren't sleeping as well because of it. Hopefully they will come in soon. I love you so much, sweet girl. I'm going to start planning your 2nd birthday because ya know I'm OCD. Happy 18 Months!!

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