||Pregnancy Update||

Holy moly how am I already 20 weeks pregnant?? This pregnancy has seriously been flying by. Probably because I chase a toddler around every day ha! I have been terrible at documenting this pregnancy and I feel awful about it. I never missed a milestone with Liv and I need to start doing better with documenting. So I'm going to go back to 12 weeks and document every month from there. I also felt a lot worse this time around and taking pictures was definitely not on my radar at that time. I feel like I didn't start showing as early this time either. Which is weird because supposedly your second baby is supposed to pop earlier. After my 16 week appointment and blood work, we found out that I am anemic again (no shocker there) so my doctor put me back on my iron pills. It's crazy the way blood can make you feel haha. I feel a million times better since I've been taking them again. I have way more energy but my Ningxia red drink contributes to that as well. Bare with this super long post and the not so great or pretty pictures. My bad.

How far along: 14 weeks.
Weight Gain: None.
Maternity Clothes: Nope.
Best Moment This Week:Getting some "me" time by getting my hair done and fresh cut.
Gender: Don't know yet.
Movement: A few flutters.
Food Cravings: Cucumbers and anything sweet.
Food Aversions: Pretty much everything up to this point.
What I Miss: Not being so nauseous.
Sleep Sleeping great.
What I'm Looking Forward To Starting to show more, feeling better, and seeing our little babe again.
Belly Button In.

How far along: 16 weeks.
Weight Gain: 1 lb.
Maternity Clothes: Nope.
Best Moment This Week: Doctor's appointment and getting to see your sweet little profile.
Gender: Don't know yet. Dr. Cole moved you all around and he just couldn't tell. He said he was guessing about 70% girl. You were definitely uncooperative just like your sister and 16 weeks.
Movement: Lots of flutters.
Food Cravings: Graham crackers and milk.
Food Aversions: Pretty much everything still. Food is just not appealing.
What I Miss: My face not being SO broke out.
Sleep Sleeping great.
What I'm Looking Forward To Finding out your gender so I can start preparing.
Belly Button In.

How far along: 20 weeks.
Weight Gain: 5 lbs.
Maternity Clothes: Nope. Getting closer though. They're definitely more comfortable but I'm still able to button my pants.
Best Moment This Week: Only having to work two days.
Gender: Don't know yet.
Movement: Definitely. You are so much stronger and bigger just by feeling your kicks. You kick the most in the mornings right before I climb out of bed and at night when I stretch out in bed.
Food Cravings: Coffee!!!!
Food Aversions: Nothing really sounds good still.
What I Miss: Not being able to see my stretch marks as bad.
Sleep Sleeping great. Except when big sister wakes up at 4am.
What I'm Looking Forward To Our anatomy scan and finding out your gender on Wednesday.
Belly Button In.

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