||Baby Spencer #2||
We have some exciting news!! Baby Spencer #2 is on the way! I am currently two days away from being 17 weeks. We were trying to wait to find out the gender before we announced but this baby didn't cooperate at our last ultrasound. Just like Liv. We found out in early December and managed to keep it from our families until Christmas. Liv was still at preschool at the time and Santa Clause came and it only seemed appropriate that she take a picture with him announcing it on a chalkboard. When we told our families everyone was excited, but in total shock. It seems a little soon but this gal isn't getting any younger and we wanted our babies close in age. I'm due August 13th. Two weeks before Liv turns 2. She's so mature for her age that I'm not real worried. She is obsessed with her babies and I can tell she senses something is going on. She will raise my shirt up and pat my belly and say "baby." It's just the sweetest thing.
So far this pregnancy has been a million times different in a million different ways. I was nauseous for a good 14 weeks. Literally didn't have an appetite at all for weeks and probably actually lost weight instead of gaining. I've been tired but not exhausted. Extremely emotional. Like I would and still could cry over anything. My face has been broke out but nowhere else this time. I broke out in the worst rash last week. I think it was contact dermatitis but still. It was REALLY bad! Also, I have not been near as strict with what I eat/drink this time. I would have never touched caffeine or sugar the last time and this time I'm just not as disciplined. I've honestly felt really guilty about it too. Like if something bad happens it's going to be because of the junk I ate/drank. I'm trying to do better as my appetite increases though. I've not really had many cravings this time other than cucumbers. I totally had aversions to EVERYTHING in the beginning and the smell of eggs or anything cheesy still makes my stomach turn. I'm not really showing yet. I have a small pooch but I really thought that I would've started showing a lot sooner since it's my second baby. Oh well, I'm not complaining as long as the baby is healthy. In our ultrasounds we've had, the baby looks a little smaller than Liv did. I've already been feeling him/her moving around. I forgot how much I missed that. Dr. Cole said that he is about 70% sure it's another girl but I've had zero feelings of it being a girl. From day 1 I've thought it was a boy just because I've felt so differently this time. We will find out on the 29th. We are so excited for this baby and the new journey we're about to embark on. Don't get me wrong though, we could definitely use your prayers.
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