-Letters to Liv {2 Months}-

Baby girl,

How are you 2 months old already? Time just keeps flying by and I love it and hate it at the same time. I love watching you grow but hate the reality of it. You are so big and so BEAUTIFUL! Your Daddy and I are so in love with you! You have the cutest little expressions and when you smile at us our hearts melt a million times over. You rolled over the other night and I couldn't believe my eyes. You are only 2 months old, how are you doing that?? I was so proud of you! You are becoming more alert every day and you love to watch your puppy dog run around, ceiling fans, and you really pay attention to your story books. You are not liking tummy time, yawning real big, getting your clothes changed, or when we turn the bright lights on. You have gone through two constipation spells so far and it breaks our hearts. You will just cry and kick your legs so hard because your tummy hurts so bad. Mama tries everything the doctor told her to do to get you to go, but sometimes you just can't. You are going 3 hours during feedings throughout the day and are sleeping 3-4 hours a time at night. Lately you have been sleeping with Mama and Daddy because of your constipation and wanting to be close to us. You were doing so good in your bassinet until you started having tummy problems again. You are beginning to coo and vocalize. You make great eye contact with anyone who is talking to you and you track like a champ. You've started taking turns vocally too. You will coo and I always make a big deal about it and talk to you so excited. Then I'll look away and you do it again to get my attention and you always get the biggest smile on your face. We keep doing it over and over until you get bored. You went to your first Fall Carnival at Mama's work last night. You dressed as a lady bug and were the cutest one we ever did see.

I went back to work this past Monday. It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do so far. You were asleep when I left which made it that much harder. Your Nana is keeping you the 3 days that I work and I'm so thankful for that. I don't worry about you because you have the best person taking care of you. You seemed to really miss me, too! You couldn't wait to nurse when I got home and honestly it was the most incredible moment between us, kind of like when we did skin to skin in the hospital right after you were born. Your Daddy is starting to play with you more and more and become more comfortable with you. He's so smitten with you and SO protective. The way he loves you makes me love him so much more. You have blessed our lives more than you will ever know. We love you so much, sweet girl!


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