-Havyn's Happenings-{6 Months}

Havyn Quinn,
How are you 6 months old? It's insane to think that you've been earth side for half of a year already. This time last year you were just a tiny bean in my belly. We didn't know if you were a boy or a girl and I was so excited to be planning for another sweet babe. You have grown so so fast. We went for your 6 month check up and you were 27 1/2 in. long and weighed 17.11 lbs. You were in the 93rd percentile for height, 81st for weight, and 96th for head circumference. You and your sissy definitely have those Spencer heads for sure. You are sitting up like a champ and just took to it one day without much help from us. You've always like being sitting up or standing up so it naturally came pretty easy for you. You are starting to scare more easily. If anyone coughs or sneezes it scares you half to death. You love to play with my hair and have your bottom patted when you're trying to go to sleep. You love to sleep to music. We've been playing the contemporary Christian station on the TV when we lay you down at night. You're sleeping pretty well. You usually wake around midnight, 3, then right before I leave for work to nurse. You're taking 3 oz. in your bottles. You have started giving us kisses and reaching for us. You have a definite ponytail and you love to play with water bottles and your feet. We've introduced you to a few baby foods. Mainly the basics. Bananas, yogurt, sweet potatoes, avocado, and green beans. You seem to like everything okay except avocado and green beans. You can tolerate a few bites of avocado but you really dislike green beans. It's the only thing that has made you gag so far. You're growing up right before our eyes and we're so sentimental about it. You can definitely still be a little spitfire. We're figuring out that it's mainly just your temperament. You are the most strong willed child ever. It's still so crazy to us how different you are from your big sissy. We love you little bird!

Love, Mama

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