17 weeks!

So we went back to the doctor last Monday and we were supposed to find out the gender. Well the little stinker would not open its legs for anything. Our doctor moved the wand all over and shook my belly trying to get the baby to move or stretch or anything and it did stretch its back out but not its legs. So we have to wait another month before we can find out the gender. :( we were bummed when we left but we got good news that the baby is healthy and everything looks good. He said the baby looks really long already with long legs and big hands and feet. He said probably an athlete. :) They also did blood work and that also came back good except that I'm anemic, which I have always been borderline. He put me on iron pills at the end of this past week. 

This weekend we went to my parents for Easter and spent Saturday at Silver Dollar City. When we got back I started feeling really sick and weird. I was weak and very sick to my stomach. That night I was in the bathroom on and off all night and had chills and fever. My stomach was having contracting feelings all night. I just figured it was my iron pills making me feeling that way. Well I felt even worse all day Sunday. It's the worst I have felt throughout this entire pregnancy. So early this morning I called my doctor and told him everything that was going on and he said that it was most likely a stomach bug because my pills wouldn't make me feel that way. He said nausea and constipation were common symptoms of the pills but what I had was not from them. Needless to say I've been on the couch all day still feeling weak and tired. No baby bump picture this week because I've been sick but I still wanted to post my chalkboard. I hope everyone had a Happy Easter!


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