||Pregnancy Update-37 Weeks||

How far along: 37 weeks
Weight Gain: 30 lbs
Maternity Clothes: yes!!
Best Moment This Month: Starting my weekly checks and appointments.
Gender: GIRL!!
Movement: YES! Still painful movements, I can feel her just gaining more weight and getting bigger each day.
Food Cravings: Cereal!!!
Food Aversions: Meats!! Especially when it is cooking, the smell makes me nauseous again.
What I Miss: Not hurting and feeling exhausted all the time. Even though I know that's about to get a lot worse ha!
Sleep: Still not great. Getting more difficult each night. The back and stomach pain is real every time I roll over.
What I'm Looking Forward To: Finishing out this week at work and being able to relax this weekend.
Belly Button: Flat.

Weekly Check Update:
I started my cervical checks this week and we're another week closer to meeting Miss Havyn. I knew that I had been feeling some progress over the past few weeks with cramps, backache, fatigue, and frequent braxton hicks. I went in this past Monday and he checked my cervix. I was dilated to 3cm and my body is definitely gearing up for labor. He scheduled my induction date for August 7th at 6am but he doesn't think I will last long. It is now Thursday and I have been having cramps and tons of back pain. I had 5 contractions yesterday but they were very irregular and not super intense yet. I have been losing a little mucous but it hasn't been bloody yet. Sorry TMI.

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