-Letters to Liv- {23 Months}

How in the world are you one month away from being TWO years old? It just doesn't seem possible. It feels like just yesterday we were getting ready to go to the hospital to have you. You have grown so much over this past year. I have been watching videos and looking at pictures from a year ago (thank you for timehop on Facebook). You were so little and still very much a baby but now you have grown into a darling little mischievous girl. You don't look like a baby anymore either. You have grown so much and look like a little girl now. I just can't believe how fast time goes by. You are still very much independent and want to do EVERYTHING on your own. You have become super attached to me lately again and I think it's because you sense that baby sissy is coming soon. You panic when I even leave a room. You're always wanting me to hold you, especially during church. You are still loving church and to pray and it just melts me every time. The minute we pull up to the building you scream "church!, class!". I have mixed emotions about your love for class because I wasn't raised that way, but you have learned so much and I want you to always have that fire for church and for the Lord that you have right now. You love to say "amen" at the end of every prayer.

We have slowed down on your potty training because you were scared to poop in the potty. You would hold it all day and then when your night time diaper came on you would just let it all out. That was okay until you started getting extremely constipated and would just be miserable. When you finally went it was always so huge and hard. You would literally just cling to me as you pushed it out and then cry afterwards because it would hurt. You do great with peeing in the potty but for now we're just going to wait until you're a little older because of the constipation issue. You still love to wear your panties though, we just put them over your diaper now.

Your vocabulary keeps taking off and I love it! You're still very unintelligible with a lot of things you try to say but for the most part we know what you're saying if it's 1-2 word phrases. You still do a lot of jabbering but that will fade. Your favorite things to say this past month have been: help, three, read, don't touch, Havyn, Nova, shark, sprite, shut, cash, daddy see, papa please, mama no, more milk, I'm silly, and I said no. Oh my, do you love the word NO! It drives us crazy but we want you to keep talking and gaining more words so we don't tell you to stop yet haha. You're so cute when you say Havyn and you call her "Havy" half the time and it's so cute.

Your favorite snacks/foods right now are popcorn and apples with peanut butter. You love when I just give you a huge glob of peanut butter on spoon. You still like to snack all day long and it's so hard to get you to eat a good nutritious meal. I keep thinking you'll eventually get back to eating well. You drink SO much milk. We have to buy two gallons every week and a half. It's crazy how much milk you drink. You still love orange juice but any other juice you're definitely not a fan. One weird thing is that you have been mouthing EVERYTHING lately. You constantly put things in your mouth and you never mouthed much before.

You love sticker books right now. That's probably your favorite activity/toy. It's the only thing that will keep you sitting still in church for a while. You still love books too. You've kind of gotten out of much playing with toys. If you've never seen them before or haven't seen them in a while then you'll play with them but for the most part you don't really want them right now. You love your baby dolls still though. You also really like to put puzzles together. You sing and dance all the time and have recently started telling us "no" when we sing to you. You want to do it. You love to watch TV and I hate it. You would watch it all day if we let you. You're currently loving Tangled, Toy Story 3, and Monster's Inc.

You've been sleeping in your sissy's room because when we decorated her room we put the crib in there. You automatically pointed to it and said "night night". You have slept so much better since we put you back in the crib. We're hoping once we get settled in with the baby that you'll want to sleep in your big girl bed again. I know you will do great with your little sissy but just thinking about you not understanding why mama can't hold you or pick you up has me in tears already. I just keep praying you will transition well. We love you so so much baby girl. I'm in full party planning mode and getting everything ready for your second birthday party. I can't wait to celebrate you big time, my love.


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