-Letters to Liv-{21 Months}

Little love,
Here we are again another month older and another month closer to TWO! You currently love Toy Story and love to lay down at night with Mama and watch it until you fall asleep. I love it so much and you have started cuddling/loving on us more and more. You're seriously the sweetest little thing. You have been spending the past few weeks with your Daddy since he is out for the summer. Most days he takes you to the gym for practice and you love it. You get to be with Daddy and Uncle B or "B" as you call him and you're just fine with that. Daddy says you cry every time you have to leave your Uncle B. That is just the sweetest thing because I always knew Blake would be a great uncle and he is so smitten with you. You love your aunt Bailey, too. She gets to watch you sometimes and you love that just as much.

This month was pretty huge for you developmentally. Your words are getting clearer and you're definitely trying to communicate more through words/phrases instead of the grunting. That has finally faded. Praise! You attempt to sing along with songs, you love to pat your Bible and "grow, grow, grow", you really love ice. You love to just chomp on it all the time. One of my favorite things you do is play with your feet when you get sleepy. You used to play with your hands when you were a baby until you fell asleep and now it's your feet. It's just the sweetest. Daddy puts you to bed every night now and he lets you pick a book and you two just sit in your room and talk all about it. Heart=melted. When we took the pacifier away you discovered your tongue and you like to pull on it with your fingers when you get tired. No thumb or finger sucking though. You are starting to really love to brush your teeth. I think because you love the taste of your Young Living toothpaste and you like to chew on your toothbrush. Chicka Chicka Boom Boom has easily become one of your favorite books and you call it "boom boom." You are currently rocking potty training and we couldn't be more proud. Your nap time diapers are noticeably more dry but not completely dry yet and your night time one is still pretty soaked in the mornings. During the day you have your panties on and are doing great. We've been able to fade your reinforcements to every few times instead of every single time which is awesome.

Your new words this month include: buzz, I drive, sing, guitar, purple, balloon, bear, bunnies, wet, bug, bed, good job, treat, sink, charge, there it is. I took you in for your 18 month check-up, just a few months behind haha. You weigh 33.4 lbs and are 3 feet tall. Once again off the charts for height. You're super healthy and developing right as you should be. You got your last shot for a while. You've always been so good with your shots but I hate watching it every time.

You already love your baby sissy so much. You always raise my shirt up and kiss and pat her and just say "baby" and "sissy". I can't wait to watch you with her. We've been playing more with your baby dolls and putting diapers on them, feeding them, talking about the nursery, etc. in attempts to get you as prepared as we can. We're so excited to continue to watch you grow, baby girl. We love you so so much!


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