||Pregnancy Update-32 Weeks||

How are we already another month closer to welcoming our second sweet girl? It is so crazy how much faster a pregnancy goes when you already have a child. Liv's pregnancy felt like it took forever but this one has flown by. So some interesting facts about this past month. Apparently the more babies you have the more your body definitely feels it. I was in one of my best friends' wedding in Texas a couple of weeks ago and riding in the car for that long threw my lower body into a state of shock haha. When we got back, I could barely walk and my lady parts/groins were hurting so bad. I wasn't having contractions or labor signs but just excruciating pain in my hip area. Come to find out it was pubic symphysis. Extremely common in multiple pregnancies as your bones have shifted once before to birth a baby. It went away after about two weeks but I was definitely in discomfort and pain for those solid two weeks. I'm having lightning and some braxton hicks every now and then but for the most part I'm still feeling pretty good. Except the fact that I gained 7 lbs. in three weeks because she gained 2 lbs. herself. At our last appointment two weeks ago she weighed 4 lbs. 7 oz. and was still measuring ahead. My doctor said that he will induce at 39 weeks because that's his preference and she's measuring a week ahead anyway. I could go sooner than that because Liv was 10 days early. I love the significance and meaning of pregnancy but once the weight gain starts and stretch marks are more visible, I really struggle. I'm trying not to let myself care about those things because I know how my body will look postpartum now. I've been having nights where I'm extremely nauseous and can't sleep. Peppermint oil has been such a huge lifesaver for me this pregnancy. We worked on sister girls nursery last weekend and it turned out so stinkin' cute. I love it so much! I still have to put some finishing touches on it but it's finished for the most part. Now to the stats.

How far along: 32 weeks
Weight Gain: 23 lbs
Maternity Clothes: yes!!
Best Moment This Month: Working on the nursery and getting house projects completed.
Gender: GIRL!!
Movement: YES! She's been moving all throughout the day a lot more lately.
Food Cravings: Chocolate Milk!!!
Food Aversions: Nothing specific just large meals still.
What I Miss: My body not hurting from the little pregnancy aches.
Sleep: Just okay. I've been waking up at least twice in the middle of the night to use the bathroom.
What I'm Looking Forward To: Our couple of baby showers coming up.
Belly Button: Out.

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