||Mother's Day 2017||

I had a fantastic Mother's Day this year. It started out with Livy girl bringing me a Kendra Scott bag when I was still in bed. Her and Bradley had gotten me some Kendra Scott earrings and the August birthstone necklace. Just what I had been wanting. Both of my girls will have August birthdays, Lord willing this pregnancy keeps going well. I typically do not like jewelry but since I became a mama that seems to be all I've wanted when it comes to my babies. Bradley had gotten me a bar necklace with Olivia's name on it for our 3 year anniversary and it is my most treasured item I have. Now I can add the birthstone necklace to that and when baby girl #2 comes we can add her name to the bar. I'm so excited to be a mama of girls. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think that I would be a girl mama, but I'm so thankful God chose me and this for my journey.

Liv was a little cranky after church that morning so we couldn't get a good picture. Honestly, I struggle with frustrations and just getting upset over small things when they don't go perfectly. I'm still learning how to be a mama. I'm learning that things won't always go perfectly, my house will always be dirty no matter how often I clean it, and there's no sense in having nice things in your home because #toddlers and they will break them or mess them up. This has been a struggle for me on the daily. I'm a neat and OCD person who loves to have plans and visions and gets a little irritated when they don't go as planned. God really has to speak to me a lot about letting the small things go and to just enjoy the here and now because my babies won't be babies forever. I will miss these days one day. I've recently been reflecting on how I get so caught up in the clean and neat that some days I can't even enjoy her presence and I've missed opportunities to just be with her. I'm learning and I will get better. I watch Bradley with her and he is the most calm, go with the flow kind of person I've ever met and how I wish so much that I was like him. I'm also learning that, too.

After she took a very long nap which let me take one as well (that NEVER happens), she laid in bed with me and cuddled. She wrapped her sweet little arm around my neck and kept giving me kisses. I had Bradley come in and try to capture the moment and he got it perfectly. It is one of my absolute favorite pictures. At the time Liv reached up to kiss me, baby girl kicked at the same time and I almost burst into tears. It was such a sweet moment for me as a mother. Holding my first baby in my arms and then feeling my second baby on the inside. It was almost too much to handle.

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