-Letters to Liv- {20 Months}


You are so very free-spirited and fearless. I do hope those traits follow you through life but right now, as a toddler, I need you to tone it down a bit. You are officially in the terrible two phase. The tantrums, the separation anxiety; all of it. You're definitely in it. You are challenging your daddy and I in ways we never even imagined. We're learning how to parent you through these times and some days it is so exhausting, but we still wouldn't trade any of it. You love your daddy! Like IN LOVE with your daddy. He is your favorite person in the world right now and you can't wait until he gets home everyday. If you see a picture of him or anything you just scream "dada". It melts me when he walks in and you run so fast to him and just hug his legs so tight. You love to give hugs and kisses right now and you absolutely LOVE to pray! It's the sweetest thing. Every single time before we eat you say "pray" and hold your little hands together. Then when it's over you scream "amen" so loud. Seriously the cutest and sweetest thing ever! You have not been sleeping real well the past month or so. You had chewed holes in all of your pacifiers and you finally chewed a hole through your last one a couple of weeks ago. That was it. You only had it when you slept as comfort but I was determined to take it completely away when you turned 20 months, but you did it for me. Since then you have been waking up all hours of the night and will cry out in your sleep. I'm not sure if you're having nightmares or if you just miss that comfort.

You are still in that weird food phase as well. Sometimes you will eat so well then most of the time you just want to snack and never eat anything real. It's frustrating at times but you eat when you're hungry enough. You love some orange juice. It's by far your favorite drink right now. As soon as you wake up in the mornings you request it. You are still doing a lot of grunting but are slowly starting to fade that and the jibberish into more real words and phrases. As I played with you yesterday, you were talking up a storm and the majority of it was intelligible. I've been worried because I couldn't even make out what you were saying most of the time. Thank goodness it's getting better though. You have added these words and phrases to your vocabulary this month; fry, taytay (what you call my mom), Uncle B, Bailey, It's cold, pray, amen, toy, it's big, I did it, food, I sit, peepee, poop.

You are definitely aware of when you pee/poop and you run to us to let us know which one you did. Literally 90% of the time you're right and hate sitting it. We've put you on the potty a few times but you just aren't real sure what to do once you're up there. You think the little potty we bought you is a chair so that's not going to work. I would love to have you out of diapers by the time your sister comes but I'm just not sure how to potty train. The weather has been super nice other than the massive monsoons lately. I put together your little water table and you LOVE it! You want to put on your rain boots and go play in the "wawa" all the time. I just bought you a bathing suit and hoping it still fits by the time it's actually summer. We're hoping to get the backyard finished for your second birthday but who knows if that will happen.

Also, you love your baby sissy so so much already. You always lift my shirt up and kiss my belly. You are obsessed with your baby dolls too. It's been fun watching you play with them because it gives me a glimpse of what you might be like when she actually gets here. Whenever you see real babies at church or on tv you always hold out your hands and clap like you're saying "come here". You want to hold and kiss all the babies all the time and I just love it. I can't wait to watch you become a big sister, first love. We love you so so much!


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