These weeks are just flying by. I seriously can't believe we're already in the third trimester and this little sister girl will be here before we know it. I had a check up this morning and she weighs 2 lbs. 13 oz. and is measuring a week ahead. She's strong and healthy and our doctor is guessing that she will be about the same size Liv was. Around 8 lbs. This pregnancy has felt so different from the beginning. This past month I have definitely started the nesting. I have cleaned out every little nook and cranny in our house and have made so many Goodwill runs. I'm not joking when I say we're trying to live more minimally. I have also been napping quite a bit and that definitely doesn't happen. I have never been much of a napper. Especially after becoming a mama and every day after work that seems to be all I want to do. My planning/organizing brain goes into extreme mode when I'm pregnant but it's been a lot worse this time. I think of the craziest projects when 1. we need to save money for the baby and 2. why didn't I think of these before another baby was on the way? We have purchased a few things for the nursery but we still have SO much to do. Now that she's measuring bigger and that means we don't have as much time left as we thought, I am starting to slightly panic. We are taking a family day trip to Memphis tomorrow to get all the things baby/nursery/Liv's big girl room. I'm so excited to just spend time with my little family.
How far along: 28 weeks
Weight Gain: 16 lbs
Maternity Clothes: yes!!
Best Moment This Month: Making new memories and experiences with just our little family.
Gender: GIRL!!
Movement: YES! She kicks the most at night when I lay down in bed.
Food Cravings: Guacamole and pancakes (not together). Honestly, nothing has tasted "good" this entire pregnancy. I will just have the taste for something but it never actually tastes "good".
Food Aversions: Nothing specific just large meals still.
What I Miss: Not being constipated at times, not having heartburn everyday, and not having the frequent headaches.
Sleep: Just okay. She kicks ALL night long and it wakes me up. It's getting harder to get comfortable so I toss and turn a lot.
What I'm Looking Forward To: Our Memphis day trip to get all the nursery items.
Belly Button: Out. It definitely didn't do that with Liv and it looks so weird.
||Life Lately||
I haven't posted a Life Lately post in a while so I thought I would spend this rainy Saturday morning doing that. I hope you enjoy.
||Mother's Day 2017||
I had a fantastic Mother's Day this year. It started out with Livy girl bringing me a Kendra Scott bag when I was still in bed. Her and Bradley had gotten me some Kendra Scott earrings and the August birthstone necklace. Just what I had been wanting. Both of my girls will have August birthdays, Lord willing this pregnancy keeps going well. I typically do not like jewelry but since I became a mama that seems to be all I've wanted when it comes to my babies. Bradley had gotten me a bar necklace with Olivia's name on it for our 3 year anniversary and it is my most treasured item I have. Now I can add the birthstone necklace to that and when baby girl #2 comes we can add her name to the bar. I'm so excited to be a mama of girls. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think that I would be a girl mama, but I'm so thankful God chose me and this for my journey.
Liv was a little cranky after church that morning so we couldn't get a good picture. Honestly, I struggle with frustrations and just getting upset over small things when they don't go perfectly. I'm still learning how to be a mama. I'm learning that things won't always go perfectly, my house will always be dirty no matter how often I clean it, and there's no sense in having nice things in your home because #toddlers and they will break them or mess them up. This has been a struggle for me on the daily. I'm a neat and OCD person who loves to have plans and visions and gets a little irritated when they don't go as planned. God really has to speak to me a lot about letting the small things go and to just enjoy the here and now because my babies won't be babies forever. I will miss these days one day. I've recently been reflecting on how I get so caught up in the clean and neat that some days I can't even enjoy her presence and I've missed opportunities to just be with her. I'm learning and I will get better. I watch Bradley with her and he is the most calm, go with the flow kind of person I've ever met and how I wish so much that I was like him. I'm also learning that, too.
After she took a very long nap which let me take one as well (that NEVER happens), she laid in bed with me and cuddled. She wrapped her sweet little arm around my neck and kept giving me kisses. I had Bradley come in and try to capture the moment and he got it perfectly. It is one of my absolute favorite pictures. At the time Liv reached up to kiss me, baby girl kicked at the same time and I almost burst into tears. It was such a sweet moment for me as a mother. Holding my first baby in my arms and then feeling my second baby on the inside. It was almost too much to handle.
Liv was a little cranky after church that morning so we couldn't get a good picture. Honestly, I struggle with frustrations and just getting upset over small things when they don't go perfectly. I'm still learning how to be a mama. I'm learning that things won't always go perfectly, my house will always be dirty no matter how often I clean it, and there's no sense in having nice things in your home because #toddlers and they will break them or mess them up. This has been a struggle for me on the daily. I'm a neat and OCD person who loves to have plans and visions and gets a little irritated when they don't go as planned. God really has to speak to me a lot about letting the small things go and to just enjoy the here and now because my babies won't be babies forever. I will miss these days one day. I've recently been reflecting on how I get so caught up in the clean and neat that some days I can't even enjoy her presence and I've missed opportunities to just be with her. I'm learning and I will get better. I watch Bradley with her and he is the most calm, go with the flow kind of person I've ever met and how I wish so much that I was like him. I'm also learning that, too.
After she took a very long nap which let me take one as well (that NEVER happens), she laid in bed with me and cuddled. She wrapped her sweet little arm around my neck and kept giving me kisses. I had Bradley come in and try to capture the moment and he got it perfectly. It is one of my absolute favorite pictures. At the time Liv reached up to kiss me, baby girl kicked at the same time and I almost burst into tears. It was such a sweet moment for me as a mother. Holding my first baby in my arms and then feeling my second baby on the inside. It was almost too much to handle.
-Letters to Liv- {20 Months}
You are so very free-spirited and fearless. I do hope those traits follow you through life but right now, as a toddler, I need you to tone it down a bit. You are officially in the terrible two phase. The tantrums, the separation anxiety; all of it. You're definitely in it. You are challenging your daddy and I in ways we never even imagined. We're learning how to parent you through these times and some days it is so exhausting, but we still wouldn't trade any of it. You love your daddy! Like IN LOVE with your daddy. He is your favorite person in the world right now and you can't wait until he gets home everyday. If you see a picture of him or anything you just scream "dada". It melts me when he walks in and you run so fast to him and just hug his legs so tight. You love to give hugs and kisses right now and you absolutely LOVE to pray! It's the sweetest thing. Every single time before we eat you say "pray" and hold your little hands together. Then when it's over you scream "amen" so loud. Seriously the cutest and sweetest thing ever! You have not been sleeping real well the past month or so. You had chewed holes in all of your pacifiers and you finally chewed a hole through your last one a couple of weeks ago. That was it. You only had it when you slept as comfort but I was determined to take it completely away when you turned 20 months, but you did it for me. Since then you have been waking up all hours of the night and will cry out in your sleep. I'm not sure if you're having nightmares or if you just miss that comfort.
You are still in that weird food phase as well. Sometimes you will eat so well then most of the time you just want to snack and never eat anything real. It's frustrating at times but you eat when you're hungry enough. You love some orange juice. It's by far your favorite drink right now. As soon as you wake up in the mornings you request it. You are still doing a lot of grunting but are slowly starting to fade that and the jibberish into more real words and phrases. As I played with you yesterday, you were talking up a storm and the majority of it was intelligible. I've been worried because I couldn't even make out what you were saying most of the time. Thank goodness it's getting better though. You have added these words and phrases to your vocabulary this month; fry, taytay (what you call my mom), Uncle B, Bailey, It's cold, pray, amen, toy, it's big, I did it, food, I sit, peepee, poop.
You are definitely aware of when you pee/poop and you run to us to let us know which one you did. Literally 90% of the time you're right and hate sitting it. We've put you on the potty a few times but you just aren't real sure what to do once you're up there. You think the little potty we bought you is a chair so that's not going to work. I would love to have you out of diapers by the time your sister comes but I'm just not sure how to potty train. The weather has been super nice other than the massive monsoons lately. I put together your little water table and you LOVE it! You want to put on your rain boots and go play in the "wawa" all the time. I just bought you a bathing suit and hoping it still fits by the time it's actually summer. We're hoping to get the backyard finished for your second birthday but who knows if that will happen.
Also, you love your baby sissy so so much already. You always lift my shirt up and kiss my belly. You are obsessed with your baby dolls too. It's been fun watching you play with them because it gives me a glimpse of what you might be like when she actually gets here. Whenever you see real babies at church or on tv you always hold out your hands and clap like you're saying "come here". You want to hold and kiss all the babies all the time and I just love it. I can't wait to watch you become a big sister, first love. We love you so so much!
You are so very free-spirited and fearless. I do hope those traits follow you through life but right now, as a toddler, I need you to tone it down a bit. You are officially in the terrible two phase. The tantrums, the separation anxiety; all of it. You're definitely in it. You are challenging your daddy and I in ways we never even imagined. We're learning how to parent you through these times and some days it is so exhausting, but we still wouldn't trade any of it. You love your daddy! Like IN LOVE with your daddy. He is your favorite person in the world right now and you can't wait until he gets home everyday. If you see a picture of him or anything you just scream "dada". It melts me when he walks in and you run so fast to him and just hug his legs so tight. You love to give hugs and kisses right now and you absolutely LOVE to pray! It's the sweetest thing. Every single time before we eat you say "pray" and hold your little hands together. Then when it's over you scream "amen" so loud. Seriously the cutest and sweetest thing ever! You have not been sleeping real well the past month or so. You had chewed holes in all of your pacifiers and you finally chewed a hole through your last one a couple of weeks ago. That was it. You only had it when you slept as comfort but I was determined to take it completely away when you turned 20 months, but you did it for me. Since then you have been waking up all hours of the night and will cry out in your sleep. I'm not sure if you're having nightmares or if you just miss that comfort.
You are still in that weird food phase as well. Sometimes you will eat so well then most of the time you just want to snack and never eat anything real. It's frustrating at times but you eat when you're hungry enough. You love some orange juice. It's by far your favorite drink right now. As soon as you wake up in the mornings you request it. You are still doing a lot of grunting but are slowly starting to fade that and the jibberish into more real words and phrases. As I played with you yesterday, you were talking up a storm and the majority of it was intelligible. I've been worried because I couldn't even make out what you were saying most of the time. Thank goodness it's getting better though. You have added these words and phrases to your vocabulary this month; fry, taytay (what you call my mom), Uncle B, Bailey, It's cold, pray, amen, toy, it's big, I did it, food, I sit, peepee, poop.
You are definitely aware of when you pee/poop and you run to us to let us know which one you did. Literally 90% of the time you're right and hate sitting it. We've put you on the potty a few times but you just aren't real sure what to do once you're up there. You think the little potty we bought you is a chair so that's not going to work. I would love to have you out of diapers by the time your sister comes but I'm just not sure how to potty train. The weather has been super nice other than the massive monsoons lately. I put together your little water table and you LOVE it! You want to put on your rain boots and go play in the "wawa" all the time. I just bought you a bathing suit and hoping it still fits by the time it's actually summer. We're hoping to get the backyard finished for your second birthday but who knows if that will happen.
Also, you love your baby sissy so so much already. You always lift my shirt up and kiss my belly. You are obsessed with your baby dolls too. It's been fun watching you play with them because it gives me a glimpse of what you might be like when she actually gets here. Whenever you see real babies at church or on tv you always hold out your hands and clap like you're saying "come here". You want to hold and kiss all the babies all the time and I just love it. I can't wait to watch you become a big sister, first love. We love you so so much!
||Pregnancy Update-24 weeks||
How far along: 24 weeks
Weight Gain: 11 lbs
Maternity Clothes: yes!! No sense in being uncomfortable. That belly is growing!
Best Moment This Month: Easter and spending time with family.
Gender: GIRL!!
Movement: ALL the time! She moves the most during the night.
Food Cravings: Cereal. Small meals and snacks.
Food Aversions: Anything super filling. Also anything with red sauce gives me massive heartburn.
What I Miss: Not having heartburn and feeling so bloated all the time.
Sleep: Just okay. She kicks a lot through the night and Olivia has not been sleeping super great lately.
What I'm Looking Forward To: Starting on the nursery.
Belly Button: Popping out just a tad.
||Easter 2017||
I love Easter. It's one of my favorite holidays. I look forward to it as soon as Christmas is over. This year I was so excited because it was the first year that Liv could hunt eggs. I loved putting her Easter basket together. Last year she basically got a blanket and a few books because she was so young. I love to fill her basket with items she will use even after Easter is over. That is why I chose the adorable pom pom bins from Petit Pehr. I even got baby girl number 2 one in the color we are doing her nursery. I got the minis but I really should have gotten the pints because I could barely fit everything into Liv's. She had a book, toothbrush, jean jacket, ice cream play set, and of course some Kidscents lotion and oils from Young Living.
We had a great weekend with family. My brother and his wife were moving so everyone came down to help. I was so excited that everyone was going to get to watch her hunt eggs for the first time. One of the traditions I wanted to start with her was dying eggs naturally from fruits and veggies. It was SO much fun! It was a lot more work than getting the box kit but I love all things organic and all natural and was so excited to try it. They turned out great with some earthy pastel tones. The blueberries and red cabbage did the best. I hope everyone had a very happy Easter and remembered the importance of it.
We had a great weekend with family. My brother and his wife were moving so everyone came down to help. I was so excited that everyone was going to get to watch her hunt eggs for the first time. One of the traditions I wanted to start with her was dying eggs naturally from fruits and veggies. It was SO much fun! It was a lot more work than getting the box kit but I love all things organic and all natural and was so excited to try it. They turned out great with some earthy pastel tones. The blueberries and red cabbage did the best. I hope everyone had a very happy Easter and remembered the importance of it.
||Garvan Gardens||
Woah! I am so behind on blogging. Life has been so crazy busy lately. A few weeks ago we found some time to spend together as a family. We went to Garvan Woodland Gardens in Hot Springs, AR. I had never been and I was so excited to see all the tulips. To our dismay, the tulips had bloomed in early March and were already gone. It was still a really fun trip nonetheless.
They had the cutest little fairy village and it reminded me of Tinkerbell in Peter Pan. More like the movie Hook and the little house that she lived in. Liv loved everything about it. Her favorite parts were feeding the fish and seeing all the waterfalls. She kept saying "fif" and pointing at everything. This age is so fun but also really challenging. We have hit the terrible two's and I definitely get what everyone says about it. We're learning how to parent through it and what actually works and does not work with her. She's so stubborn and headstrong just like me so she can be difficult to console sometimes. We stayed about an hour and a half before she got tired and cranky. It was so fun though and we love getting to do new things. Things we probably wouldn't do it if we didn't have a child.
They had the cutest little fairy village and it reminded me of Tinkerbell in Peter Pan. More like the movie Hook and the little house that she lived in. Liv loved everything about it. Her favorite parts were feeding the fish and seeing all the waterfalls. She kept saying "fif" and pointing at everything. This age is so fun but also really challenging. We have hit the terrible two's and I definitely get what everyone says about it. We're learning how to parent through it and what actually works and does not work with her. She's so stubborn and headstrong just like me so she can be difficult to console sometimes. We stayed about an hour and a half before she got tired and cranky. It was so fun though and we love getting to do new things. Things we probably wouldn't do it if we didn't have a child.
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