How Far Along: 37 weeks, 5 days
Weight Gain: 32 lbs.
Maternity Clothes: Yup!
Gender: Girl!
Movement: She's still moving quite a bit but it's still like stretching movements rather than kicks and jabs.
Food Cravings: None
Food Aversions: None
What I Miss: I'm at that point where I'm ready to not be pregnant anymore. I've enjoyed the journey but I'm huge, uncomfortable and look absolutely terrible. No more pregnancy glow, if I even had it at all? I'm swelling in my hands, feet, and face now as well.
Sleep: I'm up 3-4 times a night now and just can't sleep well. I try to nap as much as I can when I'm home but I'm still working so that is only on the weekends.
What I'm Looking Forward To: Meeting this sweet little babe!
Belly Button: Still doing that weird thing. It's soft and flat but will pooch out a little sometimes.
Weekly Check Update:
I went back to the doctor this past week and I am now 80% effaced and dilated between 2-3cm. He said I was pretty much at a 3 though. He asked if I wanted to go on my own or if I wanted him to induce me at 39 weeks. Of course I said go on my own. I need to make it through at least half of this week of work and then she can come anytime. On Friday, I thought that my water had started leaking. This might be TMI but when I stood up I had something run down my leg and my back started aching and I had mild cramps. I still don't think I have been having any contractions though. I didn't leak anymore that night but when I got up the next morning and started walking around there was more. I ended up calling my doctor and he said that it didn't sound like it was my water, but that it was probably increased discharge and my body was gearing up for labor. Woohoo! I hope I have progressed some more when I go back this week.