26 Weeks!

This was a very scary week for us. I had been feeling great. I was back to exercising on a daily basis and doing prenatal yoga which was helping me so much with hip and back pain. On Saturday afternoon I started feeling tight in my belly and would have occasional feelings that I thought were Braxton Hicks. I also started running fever and having bad back and leg aches. I didn't sleep at all that night and ended up throwing up which is very out of the ordinary for me. I haven't been nauseated or thrown up throughout my entire pregnancy so I knew something wasn't right. I slept while Bradley went to church the next day and I was still running about a 99.9 fever. When he got back I jumped in the shower hoping it would make me feel a little better and stop the constant shaking from the fever. Around 12:30 my fever spiked to 101.7 and I decided to call my doctor. He told us to go to Labor and Delivery for them to check me out and see what was going on. When we got there they hooked me up to monitors and had two different monitors on my belly. When they first started monitoring her heart rate it was extremely high ranging from 170-200 at some points. My pulse was elevated and I was dehydrated. That's basically all they found out. They put some fluids in me and sent me home with Gatorade and phenergan. He told me to take Tylenol for my fever, to eat something, and to take the phenergan to get some rest. Well, I haven't taken anything throughout my pregnancy. Other than my iron pills and prenatal vitamins I don't have any type of medication. By the time we were discharged my parents had made it down here. I ended up having to take a Tylenol around 5:00 because my fever was 101.4. It was so scary because my fever kept rising and it was making me nervous that it was really going to affect her. Then her heart rate was skyrocketing and they didn't really know what was going on. He said I wasn't having any contractions so that was good and she didn't seem to be under stress. Basically the only good thing about that visit was that there wasn't anything serious going on and we got our registration done for the hospital.

Now on to our weekly update. I've obviously not felt the best so no picture, but I did have a check up last Wednesday and did my glucose test. It actually wasn't that bad.

How Far Along: 26 weeks, 6 days
Weight Gain: 16 lbs.
Maternity Clothes: I've been on vacation since last Tuesday so it's mainly been Bradley's gym shorts and tank tops.
Best Moment This Week: Seeing our healthy baby girl. She weighed 2 lbs., 1 oz.
Gender: Girl
Movement: Yes, all the time other than those two days I was really sick.
Food Cravings: Nothing new
Food Aversions: None
What I Miss: Not having ligament pain in my belly.
Sleep: It's actually getting a little better.
What I'm Looking Forward To: Getting her nursery ready.
Belly Button: Starting to pop out a little.

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