||My New Journey||

I just received my Premium Starter Kit from Young Living Essential Oils yesterday. Now, before you say anything about me being so against any type of network marketing organizations/companies I will honestly come clean and admit that you are right. I couldn't tell you how many people have approached me in the past few years about joining or trying Plexus. I am definitely that person who rolls their eyes and gets annoyed at things like that. Honestly, I probably never would have even tried essential oils either if I hadn't have gone through some postpartum depression a couple of months ago. I'm self-diagnosing or everyone else was diagnosing me seemed like. I did notice that I was having some trouble being happy, I didn't have an appetite and was losing weight and just wasn't enjoying life. I was so stressed out with work and I was to the point to where I literally just couldn't do it anymore. I'm not against modern medicine in any way, it obviously works, but I definitely don't think it is good for you. My own personal opinion about going to the doctor knowing that they would most likely prescribe me a "happy" pill was probably too egocentric. I'm not better than that, I don't look down on people who take meds, I just didn't want them for myself. That's when the researching began. I have a friend who uses oils and she was so nice to give me a couple to try when Liv was really congested almost two months ago. I could tell that they helped her breathe better so I really dug into the research after that. Now, almost everything I have read seems to be more testimonial rather than having research data to support them. However; I still feel comfortable putting them on our bodies and diffusing them because if you look at the label of almost every single health care product you use, there's a mile long ingredient list. In oils, there's maybe one or two ingredients and they're all natural/organic. At least Young Living's are. Their seed to seal process is what hooked me. No other company offers that or owns their own farms where the plants are grown. There are so many toxins that our bodies come into contact with on a daily basis that we dont' realize. The lotions, our face wash, shampoo, deodorant. Everything has so many chemicals in it. When we started trying to conceive back in August 2014, I completely stopped taking any kind of medicine and was super conscious of every single thing that I ate or put on my body. I still have not taken anything and I am so conscious and hesitant to give Liv anything. When she was five months old she got two recurrent ear infections and was so sick. The first round of antibiotics they gave her was Amoxicillin and the second round was Cefdinir. She was fine when taking the Amoxicillin, but the Cefdinir stripped her little stomach and she projectile vomited at least 5-7 times every time she ate sweet potatoes (her favorite) and green beans. It was traumatic for both her and I. She will not touch either one of those now. At that point I was finished with medicines and wanted something more natural. Thankfully, other than the occasional seasonal allergy flare up, she hasn't been sick since. Obviously I am very methodological and I need to know every detail and fact about anything I am putting on me or her. We would be completely organic, natural, and toxin/chemical free if it were up to me. My husband does not share those same feelings. He's all about saving money and everything organic or all natural seems to cost a fortune. When I first brought the idea of using and possibly selling essential oils, he basically rolled his eyes like I always had. About a month ago I signed up for an Introduction to Essential Oils class hosted by a woman whose blog I follow. I had been reading all about her essential oils journey for the past year or so and I am amazed at the wonders it has done for her body and family. I knew that that was the team that I wanted to be on. Upon entering the class I got 3 oils; Happy, Thieves, and Sleepy to try out while taking the class. I instantly fell in love with all 3 of them. Bradley even loves Thieves. Every morning he says "put your voodoo on me" before he leaves for work. He loves the smell of it and I think it secretly helps him, but he doesn't want to admit it. After that, I took the plunge and ordered my Premium Starter Kit. I got it in last night and I'm even more in love. I immediately started diffusing Lavender and rubbed Stress Away on my wrists and over my heart. Perfect timing as well because Liv has an ear infection caused by teething. I've been diffusing Lavender and rubbed 1 drop Copaiba and 1 drop Lavender mixed with coconut oil on her jawline. I lathered myself in Stress Away this morning because she was so fussy and restless. I noticed a change in me almost instantly after inhaling it and she calmed a little as well from smelling it on me. I washed our sheets in the free Thieves Laundry detergent I got in my kit and oh my, they smell so good. I'm so excited to learn more about this lifestyle and share it with others. If anyone is interested and wants more information message me. There are so many different blends and not only oils, but a whole cleaning line, oral and skin care line. October is going to be a great month to sign up with so many different promo options and three free oils.

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