||My Little Bro Got Hitched||

Yesterday we attended my little brothers' wedding. I can't believe that he is old enough to be married. He's an adult now, we both are and it's so strange to think about. How fast time has gone. I can remember him being so little and me being SO protective. Probably too much for his liking and who am I kidding, I still am. I would literally want to fight anyone who ever treated him wrong and I would still protect him if he would let me. It's usually the parents that have a hard time letting their kids grow up and become independent, not the siblings. Blake and I have always been so close and told each other almost everything about what was going on in our lives. We have never been afraid to tell each other that we were in the wrong or give advice. During my dating years, that was the one thing I always looked for in a guy. Whether or not he treated my brother like I felt he should be treated, like he was their own brother. I remember the nights when I would lie in bed,crying over a stupid relationship and heart break. Blake would come into my room, crawl into bed with me and rub my back or play with my hair to comfort me. He would tell me how they weren't worth it and that it would get better. Dang it, the tears are now flowing. I held it together so well yesterday and now I can't stop. When I met Bradley, I was of course nervous about our relationship. When I told Blake about him, it was like it was nothing. Exactly the way I hoped he would react. From that moment on I was excited for them to meet. When they did, Bradley was so kind and treated him with respect and I knew he was the one for me. I never could have imagined the bond and friendship they would develop. From playing college ball together to coaching together now. Bradley protects him in the way that I always have and I know that he would never let anything happen to him. He said to me the other day "I feel like he's my real brother, not my brother-in-law." Cue the tears again. I remember meeting Bailey when they were freshmen in college. They were friends for a while and tried dating, but it wasn't the right timing. They were so young and new to college. They needed to be free and spontaneous, as we all did. Now, when it came to girls and Blake I was extremely protective and I wanted every last one of them to know that they would have to deal with me if they hurt him. Needless to say I never really liked any of them. I remember the summer day that Blake text me asking me what I thought about Bailey. That they had been talking again and he wanted to know how I felt about her. I told him that I liked her and that there wasn't anything that she had done to make me not like her. Let me tell ya, that was a pretty big deal for me to say that because he knew I could always find something wrong with the girl he was talking to, but not her. After that they grew closer and closer and I could tell that she was the one that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. She fits in perfectly with our family and he seems to fit in perfectly with hers. I have always prayed for his spouse. That she would love the Lord and complete him in a way that no one else could. That's Bailey. He lights up when he's with her or sees her and I can tell that she shares the same love and adoration for him. I'll never forget going with him to pick out her ring, helping him plan the proposal, or yesterday. It was perfect and filled with so much love. Now I pray for their life together and that they keep God at the center of their marriage. Congrats Blake and Bailey, I love y'all!

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