Dear Stay at Home Mama,

Do you know how lucky (or should I say blessed) you are that you get to call yourself that? I don't know if you do. I would give anything to be able to have that title. To have the opportunity to stay home with my baby EVERY single day. I know that it is without a doubt THE hardest job on earth. I know you have your days when you want to pull your hair out and scream at the top of your lungs. That's the way it goes. I know that you need your space sometimes for "me" time, but as a working mama, please DO NOT take the days you get to spend with them for granted. I can't tell you how sick it makes me to go to work every morning and see SAHM's bringing in their children, dressed to the nines or in their Lululemon workout clothes knowing that they are dropping their children off for babysitting so they can spend the entire day doing what they want to do. Do you know what that looks like to us working mama's? Do you know how it makes us feel? Probably not. As a therapist, I understand 100% the importance of social interaction for children. I definitely promote and encourage it. 2-3 times a week or play dates or bible class at church is definitely sufficient. This post might seem like I am envious of SAHM's. But not these kinds. I am envious, I admit, of the ones who spend their entire day with their children making memories. I dream every single day of what it would be like to not have to get up and go to work. To be able to go get my sleepy baby when she cries and rock her as long as we want. To make a healthy breakfast every morning followed by a walk around our neighborhood. To have picnic's and story time in the backyard. To teach her how to bake cookies and have dinner ready for Daddy when he gets home. Instead, I get to peak in the window at her at work and watch other women take care of MY baby. I watch them read to her, feed her, change her diaper, and spend time with her. Things that I, her Mama should be doing. I am very thankful that she at least gets to be where I work and that she has such great women taking care of her every day. I love my job. I love helping those sweet babies. I love helping my husband provide for our family. But I love being a Mama more. So please, spend those sometimes exhausting moments with your babies presently and be thankful that you get to.

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