-Letters to Liv- {16 Months}

16 Months! Here we go! You are the chattiest and sassiest little thing that I've ever seen. You are driving your Daddy's nerves bonkers and it's secretly funny to watch. You loved the holidays so much this year and you were so fun to watch on Christmas. Last year, you were a little bitty almost 4 month old. I hate how time flies so fast. I miss all of the little things you did and the way you made me feel as a baby. But then I really love this phase you're in as well. Watching you grow and learn things every day warms my mama heart. You are developing so perfectly and your language has really exploded this month. You jabber and really think that you're saying things all the time. You got a kitchen for Christmas and your imaginative and pretend play skills are really emerging and I love it. You will put something in the microwave and say "beep beep beep" like it's done. It's so cute. You still love music and dance all the time. You can be crying in your car seat and the minute we play music you are dancing and clapping your hands. We turned your car seat around a couple of weeks ago and you love it so much more. You can see things out the window and you've started labeling objects. Even when we're driving, you'll see the train and say "choo-choo" or say "tree" when we pass by the trees. You are really into your baby dolls again. You love to push them in their stroller, rock them, feed them, and even try to swaddle them. You're little mind works so fast and you get bored with a lot of things after a while. You are so into any task that I give you and you have to feel like you've accomplished it yourself or you get upset. I have no idea where you get that! You love to color. Give you a pen and paper and you are busy for a while. I'm going to start introducing you to new tasks that are more sensory based. I think you will love it. Your appetite has changed quite a bit. You only want to snack and that's it. If it doesn't have sugar you don't want it. It's driving me crazy, but then you'll have your days where you eat so much I have no clue where you put it. You won't hardly touch any veggies now and are still a fruit girl. Your teachers say that you are the best little helper at school. You help them clean up the toys and the tables and you talk non-stop all day long. I think you've been going through another growing spurt because you've been limping quite a bit lately. You are better now but for about two weeks you were limping pretty bad. You've also started to try to sing. ABC's, Rock-a-bye baby, Itsy Bitsy Spider and you are gesturing to songs. You can identify all of your body parts and are understanding way more than you let on. Your current word list: car, go, bye bye, hi, baby, boo, hot, what's that?, shoe, eye, horse, dog, woof, cat, bubble, sock, ball, eat, that, mama, daddy, no, choo-choo, light, tree and a whole bunch of unitelligible words haha. We love you so much, sweet baby!!

Love, Mama

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