-Letters to Liv {6 Months}-

Livy Jade,

It seems so surreal that you are half a year old. Time flies by so so quickly and I don't want to waste one minute of it. It's so easy for you and I to get caught up in staying in our comfy little home on my days off. We will just sit here and read, sing, play and love one another so much. I'm such a germophobe and I try everything in my power to keep you well and healthy. As your Daddy had to remind me the other night in the emergency room that I can't control everything and keep you from everything. As much as I always want to be there to protect you and keep you safe, I know that I won't be able to. As you grow you will hate that I'm that way with you. I'm a protector, I always have been. One reason I chose to breastfeed is because it often gives babies that ability to fight off illnesses a lot easier with a strong immune system. You got your first ear infection about 3 weeks ago and I was so upset. You were SO sick and I felt so guilty even though I know that I had done everything I could to keep you well. You finished your antibiotics and seemed a lot better. Then out of no where Tuesday night you woke up in the middle of the night burning up with 104.4 fever. It scared me to death and we rushed you to the ER. You were being yourself though and was in the best little mood. You never even let on like you didn't feel well. They said that you had another bad ear infection and they gave you a stronger round of antibiotics. The days after that you were so clingy and didn't want anyone but me. All you wanted to do was lay on my chest and let me cuddle you. I absolutely hate it when you're sick. I feel so helpless. You have been so fussy this go around and I'm praying that you can kick it soon.

You have become quite the little diva. You get so upset when anyone walks out of your sight and when you don't get your way with things. You get so mad at your toys if you can't reach them or maneuver them the way you want. You have finally started sitting independently for almost 1-2 minutes without losing your balance. You are getting better everyday. You are switching toys from one hand to the other and you really enjoy looking at yourself in the mirror. You watch our mouths so closely and try to imitate our facial expressions and movements but haven't mastered that just yet. You still think peek-a-boo is the most hilarious thing ever. You are starting to look for toys that have dropped out of sight and you are beginning to understand object permanence. You love your giraffe rattle, your oball rattle, Mr. Teddy, and your teething keys the best right now. You have also started shaking objects in the past couple of days. So far you have produced consonants /m/ and /d/ during play and you have gotten those vowel sounds down, girl. When you are intrigued by something and really focused you purse your lips, almost like a little fish. It's the cutest thing. You are wearing size 3 diapers and 12 month clothes.

We started baby food two weeks ago. I tried to wait until you were exactly 6 months old but you were ready for it. You showed all of the signs that you could handle it and handle it you did, baby girl. I make your own food and it's so fun so far. I started you out on sweet potatoes and you LOVED them. We tried a banana one night and you weren't crazy about it. You HATE any kind of baby cereal. You prefer food over it for sure. Which makes me happy because I really didn't want to add it in your diet anyway as I've read so many controversial things about it. You also liked peas really well. You've tried applesauce a couple of times and you seem to tolerate it but it isn't your favorite. You are definitely preferring vegetables over fruits at this point. Butternut squash and carrots are on this weeks menu.

You are at such a fun stage right now, but we are so excited to watch you continue to grow. The weather has been awesome lately and I'm hoping Spring is right around the corner. I can't wait for warm weather full of long walks and family picnics. We love you so much!


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