-Letters to Liv {5 Months}-

Baby girl,

How in the world are you 5, FIVE months old already? I can't even deal. You are the light of our lives and we love you so SO much! You are getting quite the little personality I must say. You have figured out how to cry with "sass" and attitude. You are still the best baby though. You rarely ever fuss unless you have a tummy ache, are hungry, or we're trying to put you down for bed. You went through a long spurt where you didn't go to the bathroom for 17 days. Breastfed babies typically can go longer without having to poo and your Doctor wasn't worried at all. He said I was most likely producing efficient, nutrient rich milk during that time and you were absorbing all of the nutrients and didn't have much waste to get rid of. You definitely hit a growth spurt during that time. You look like a little roly poly. We ended up having to give you a suppository and boy, did that make you go. 4 times to be exact. You were so much happier though afterwards. You are almost rolling completely over from your back to your belly. You get all the way over but haven't figured out how to flip your head or get your arm out from under you. You are on your way to sitting up. You are getting stronger in your core everyday. You usually fall forward rather than side to side now. You have started screaming in a high pitch to talk. That's so good. Reduplicated babbling comes next and I'm so excited to hear your little voice with real sounds. I was thinking about starting baby food this month, but you seem to still be pretty content with milk and I want you to be able to sit up a little better. You are still taking 4 oz. of milk every 3 hours. You are so observant and you try to grab everything. You constantly grab our faces and your Daddy's lips are your fave thing to grab. It's so funny. You love putting your left pointer finger in your mouth and moving it around. you will grab your paci now and take it out of your mouth to talk and put it back in when you want it. You are so smart already. You absolutely LOVE your little teddy bear that Nanny got you. It comforts you so much and you love to fall asleep holding it. Your cradle cap is finally starting go away thanks to coconut oil and your face isn't as dry thanks to Aquaphor Baby cream.

You have taken up with your Daddy so much here lately. You have him wrapped around your little finger and I absolutely love watching you two together. You loving going to his and Uncle B's ball games. You also prefer to watch basketball or football games on TV when we actually let you watch it rather than children's shows. If you had to pick a children's show to watch, your favorites are Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and The Chipmunks. You have also taken up with your Papa since he has been down here more for Uncle B's games. You love to walk around the house with him and play Patty Cake.

We love you more than words can describe and we can't wait to watch you continue to grow. Even though we want you to stay little forever.


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