-2016 New Year Goals-

I can't believe it's already 2016! Seriously? The year definitely flies by when you're pregnant and have your mind consumed by that little baby growing inside. Exactly one year ago today we found out that our precious little Liv was on the way. It was the most exciting New Year's we have ever had. I'll never forget the way Bradley reacted when I announced it to him. I'm so glad I recorded it. I can't wait to show her one day.

On to the new year and the goals I have made for myself. I've never liked the idea of New Year's Resolutions because let's be honest, people do well for maybe two months then it's right back to their old ways. So this year I am making 5 goals to try my best to fulfill throughout this year rather than drastic life changing resolutions.

1. Study my Bible daily. I'm so bad at this. I do really well in spurts throughout the year but then there are times that I don't pick it up for entirely too long. Now that I'm a Mama and I have a responsibility to instill a Christian heart and love for our Lord and Savior in her as she grows. The best way I can do that is to continue learning for myself and to help myself grow as well.

2. Lose baby weight/Get Fit. I have seven pounds left to lose to get back down to my pre-baby weight. Which is probably going to be hard since I am exclusively breastfeeding, but I can still try. I mainly just want to get fit and eat better so I can feel better and have more energy. I recently ordered 21 Day Fix and am just waiting for it to come in. I've heard so many good things about it and it is safe to do while breastfeeding. I can't wait to get it started and to track my progress.

3. Improve as a wife. I feel like ever since Liv came I am solely consumed with her and I've been completely okay with that. I love being a Mama and taking care of her, but I also can't neglect my husband and my duties as a wife. He's coaching now and honestly I never wanted to be a coach's wife because of that type of life, but it makes him happy so I'm happy for him. I need to support him more and go to more of his games. It's just so easy to come home after work and spend time with her rather than getting back out and going. I have to be better because I would want that from him.

4. Save Money. I can go on some massive shopping sprees. I'm only working 3 days a week now so my paycheck isn't nearly what it was before, but I love my time I get to spend at home with Liv. I need to do better at planning multiple outfits out of the clothes I already have rather than buying new ones. I either need to learn how to make Liv's clothes or be okay with her wearing cheap looking clothes. It's so hard for me to put her in stuff that is just ugly, but $30 for leggings or shirt that she will grow out of in the next few weeks is not smart at all.

5. Do More as a Family. This kind of goes with saving money. I can get caught up in just being at home. I love to travel and see new places but I also love to be in the comfort of my own house. I can stay home without going outside for days and I'm more than okay. I would like to get better with that though. If we could save more money then we would be able to do more things as a family. I want to make so many memories as a family and I'm ready to get started with that in 2016.

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