-Havyn's Happenings-{1 Month}

The first two weeks of your little life were just as they should have been with a newborn. You ate, slept, and pooped all day, everyday. Then it was like the day you turned two weeks old, things took a turn for the worst. You cried ALL the time. It didn't matter what we did, you always cried. From the time you would wake up in the morning until you went to sleep at night. Surprisingly, you have been a really great sleeper at night. You are wearing newborn diapers and clothes and you definitely hate being cold or having your clothes changed. You prefer eating off one side at a time every 2 hours. You go at least 3 hours during the night. You love to eat, you're a little chunky monkey but you're not a super great eater. You get choked a lot and it scares me so bad. I think you swallow a lot of air when that happens so then you get tummy aches. I thought you had colic and I cut dairy out of my diet for about a month. I noticed a small change but nothing drastic. You definitely love to be held and cuddled.

When you were two weeks old you caught a little cold from your big sister. You thankfully recovered from it quickly but it definitely made me nervous because you were so young. You had been sleeping in your dock-a-tot at night in our bed but I started noticing you getting stuffy and colicky after feedings so I transitioned you to the rock and play. You do much better in it and feel snug. You do not like to be swaddled anymore. You loved it in the hospital but not so much now. You try to kick out every time. We haven't introduced a pacifier yet and I'm not real sure you will like it. You definitely try to suck on your hands all the time. I think you were a thumb sucker in the womb. It's like sometimes you prefer your hands over actually eating. It's so sentimental to see you wearing your big sissy's clothes that she wore. Man, I love being y'alls mama.

You love to take baths and have the blow dryer blowing on you. That's one of the only things that will calm you down. You have a ton of hair and it is so dark. I hope you don't lose any but I know that's probably wishful thinking. Right now it's more like mine and just lays straight. You hate wearing bows and having your head touched for some reason.

We haven't been able to do as much tummy time as I would like because of your fussiness and obvious tummy troubles. You are just like your sister with your strength. You could hold your head up from the time you entered the world. You love being upright on our chests and to be snug in your baby carrier. You love music and to be sang to. Your daddy can bounce you just the way you like it. You're not so excited about your swing right now but hopefully that will change. You already stare at your big sister and I know y'all are going to be the best of friends. We love you so much sweet girl and am so grateful for you.

Love, Mama

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