-Letters to Liv {8 Months}-

My little love,

I know I say this every month, but I can't believe you are already 8 months old! It's amazing to me how fast you grow! I've spent most of these 8 months letting your development and comparing you to other little babes consume me. I'm making a stand right now that the last four months of your first year of life, I am no longer doing that. You are your own little person and you will do things in your own time. I tell your daddy all the time that I wish we would've had you before I went to school, I know too much about development to just chill and watch you grow. From now on that's what I'm going to do though. You are healthy and happy (most of the time) and I'm going to just let you grow and stop worrying. Okay, now back to your 8 month stats.

Your little personality just keeps on coming out. You are going to be mischievous without a doubt. You purposefully try to push our buttons already. You are playing with crossing the "no-no" line on a lot of things now and you laugh when I say "you be sweet!" It's like you look at me and say to yourself "psych!, no way, Mom, I'm doing this!" We bought you a jumperoo for Easter and you love it now, but it took you a while to figure it out. You love jumping in it and you figured out that if you throw yourself backwards, it will throw you forwards and you think it's so fun and hilarious. Well, you have also begun throwing little fits and when you get mad you just throw yourself back like you're in your jumper. You are teething something awful right now and I think a lot of your little fits are because your mouth hurts so bad. You still don't have ANY teeth and you can't put enough things in your mouth. You have started refusing your pacifier when your mouth really hurts when you used to use it to gnaw on. The only thing that will calm you down during those times is nursing. You have progressed beautifully with feeding. You love mixed/chunkier foods now and you absolutely love feeding yourself. You have almost perfected your pincer grasp and you love to eat puffs, yogurt bites, and your teething wafers by yourself. You are almost over the puree stage. You would rather have something you can pick up and feed yourself. We are going to try black beans and egg yolk this week to get you some more protein in your diet.

Your favorite things right now are music, dancing, waving "hi", giving kisses, and trying to figure things out. Your little brain works 90 to nothing all day long, especially when we put something new in front of you. I brought your little drum set out the other night that Papa and Marquetta got you for Christmas and you were in love. We had our own little concert. You were following directions and watching me intently. You still hate being left alone and when anyone walks out of your sight. You will milk every minute of seeing family because they all hold you ALL the time. Then you hate it when it's just your daddy and I because you have to play in the floor and do things you don't want to do. You love to play with our cell phones and remotes but I try not to let you do that. You squeal all the time and use vowels to talk. Still no true babbling yet, but I know it will come.

You have been sleeping in our bed for the past month or so. You pretty much booted your daddy out of the bed and into the guest room. You have been waking up so much in the middle of the night that it was just easier to have you right beside me. We are planning to transition you to your crib when things settle down around here. You have also been loving to sleep with only your diaper on. You are so hot natured like your daddy that you love not wearing any clothes. Especially when you sleep. You are so in love with your Nova girl. You can pick her balls up now and you know that you're supposed to throw them to play fetch with her but you just can't figure out how to do it yet.

You still love bath time. You would stay in there all night if I would let you. Your skin is finally clearing up, but you still have a few itchy patches. Daddy says it's getting better because the weather is warmer and your skin has been able to breathe more. Plus the sun always helps. You currently hate your car seat. You still love to ride in the car, but hate your car seat now. You are getting closer to crawling every day. You still get up on your arms and get your booty up in the air and you can pull your legs underneath you one at a time, but haven't figured out how to get your belly off the ground. You moving all around and transitioning from sitting to floor back to sitting now. You are so curious and going to be into everything when you actually start moving around on your own. You LOVE to watch me do things. Mainly put my make up on and cook. You are so smart, you know that when I bring the food processor out that I am making your food. You go to kicking around and get all excited because you know it's for you. It wasn't until recently that I realized just how much you watch us and how it will continue to get worse the older you get. It makes me really think about the things I do because you are a little sponge and will eventually do what I do.

You have recently started loving play-a-sound books and when you push one you light up and smile at me. You love being tickled and will laugh so hard when we do it. You love it when we kiss your feet and play "This Little Piggy." You still love peek-a-boo and patty cake. You try to do them yourself now. You are just growing so much before our very eyes and we love you SO SO much! You bring so much joy and happiness into our lives and our home. You will always be our baby, forever!


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