-Easter 2016 {He is Risen}-

This past Sunday was Easter. Liv's first and it was SO fun. She can't walk yet, but she was sitting up and playing with eggs. We sat her on a blanket that felt fitting to the holiday. The blanket was from Modern Burlap and I absolutely love it. I had the hardest time choosing between this one that reads "I am a Child of God" or the one that reads Jeremiah 29:11. I will probably eventually buy the one that reads Jeremiah 29:11 but for now I got the other one. Easter is one of my favorite holidays and I've always loved dying and hunting/hiding Easter eggs. Since she couldn't hunt them this year, we just laid the blanket out in the backyard and let her play with the plastic eggs. I didn't go all out with her Easter basket this year because she really didn't know what was going on. I knew I for sure wanted to get her The Velveteen Rabbit (even though it's higher level) and The Tale of Peter Rabbit. I didn't have time to find Peter Rabbit, but my grandma found her one about Peter Rabbit that's super cute. I filled her basket with books about Easter, a stuffed bunny holding a basketball, and a toy phone (because she is obsessed with phones). She loved everything she got and was so intrigued because everything was new. I bought a cute cupcake kit that has Peter Rabbit and friends on it for next year when she can help me bake them. I can't wait to experience everything with her as she gets older. I also made my first purchase from Magnolia Market which of course was one of their tiered trays. I decorated it for Easter and I'm already in love with it. I hope everyone had an amazing Easter and remembered the importance of it. We all have so much to be thankful for.

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