-Havyn's Happenings-{4 Months}

Q baby,
I forget how quickly time flies when we have a little babe. So month 3 to 4 was absolutely exhausting and SO challenging. You screamed literally all day, everyday the entire month. You would never do tummy time and you were just so unhappy. I took you to my PT friend who showed me a few exercises to do with you to get you on your tummy. Then we had your 4 month wellness check and they confirmed that you had reflux. At this point you were going to the Chiropractor every two weeks. The Doctor prescribed you Zantac to try. You were on it for five days and had to sleep in your swing every night. In the middle of the night on your fifth day of taking it I woke up and you were choking on vomit. You were soaked in it and it scared me to death. So then they said that you had a reaction to the meds. Which is just another reason why I hate medicine. So I took you off of it and started going back to the chiropractor every week for adjustments. Within two weeks of adjustments you were getting much better. Thank goodness.

You weigh 15.7 lbs. and are 24 1/2 inches long. Not nearly as long as big sissy was but just as chunky. You talk ALL the time and when your tummy doesn’t hurt you’re the best little baby. So happy and always smiling. You love to stand up and get so mad when we sit down. You do not like being held like a baby. You think you’re so big. You love to hold your hands together and love your blanket pulled up by your face. You love to ride in the car now unless the sun is in your face then you go ballistic! You’re imitating some speech sounds and so close to blowing raspberries. You are rolling from your back and your belly. You still despise tummy time and won’t bear weight on your arms but we’re working on it. You love Nova and sissy more than anyone and you already look up to sissy. You still don’t like headbands very much and your hair is still so long that you have a ponytail. You’re full force teething and your shirts are soaked the majority of the time.It seems like every night we alternate between gripe water and Tylenol. If there's anything I don't play with it's fever. We're going to figure everything out with you one of these days, baby girl. I promise. We love you!!

Happy 4 months!!

||Thanksgiving 2017||

I've been a little MIA and am so behind on blogging. We have been so busy since Thanksgiving. I'm finally sitting down with my cup of coffee and trying to catch up. So the holiday season this year just seemed so rushed and chaotic. Anyone else feel that way? We had a pretty laid back Thanksgiving with Bradley's family and relaxed at home with our baby girls. As we get older and we lose family members, the holidays are just not the same. People stop coming around as much and try to make traditions of their own when the extended family dynamic changes. It just felt off this year. The food didn't taste the same, the vibe wasn't the same, and the company wasn't the same. Everyone seemed to be in their own state of mind rather than being thankful for being with family at the time. Is it strange that I'm pretty much obsessed with my little family? I couldn't be more thankful for them. No matter how tough life gets with two little ones and a husband who is gone all the time during basketball season. We had such a great time just spending a few days with each other and our girls over Thanksgiving break. We have so incredibly much to be thankful for. You know that song Count Your Blessings? It often popped in my head this season and the words rang clear to me every time.

When upon life’s billows you are tempest-tossed,
When you are discouraged, thinking all is lost,
Count your many blessings, name them one by one,
And it will surprise you what the Lord has done.

Are you ever burdened with a load of care?
Does the cross seem heavy you are called to bear?
Count your many blessings, every doubt will fly,
And you will keep singing as the days go by.

When you look at others with their lands and gold,
Think that Christ has promised you His wealth untold;
Count your many blessings-money cannot buy,
Your reward in heaven, nor your home on high.

So, amid the conflict whether great or small,
Do not be discouraged, God is over all;
Count your many blessings, angels will attend,
Help and comfort give you to your journey’s end.

Count your blessings, name them one by one,
Count your blessings, see what God has done!
Count your blessings, name them one by one,
Count your many blessings, see what God has done.

-Havyn's Happenings-{3 Months}

Q girl,
3 months have gone by so fast. You're growing so fast and becoming your own little person. Your little personality is really starting to shine through. You're still a little spitfire at times but you're turning into a very happy baby. You love when people talk to you and you're seriously the most social little thing I've ever seen. You talk and smile at anyone and everyone that talks to you. Your little grin is so contagious and I love it so much. You've slept through the night twice so far and for the most part are only waking up once to nurse. You're a good little sleeper. You have really started to love your swing, music, and having people's attention. The only thing you dislike right now is tummy time and that's because you're still having some tummy troubles. You're rolling like a champ but it's because you're trying every way to get off your belly. You're trying to reach for objects now and definitely track your sister and Nova girl. Sissy has finally accepted the fact that you're here for good and you're not going anywhere. She has started playing with you more and not getting as upset when we have to tend to you. You have started preferring bottles more than Mama recently. Probably due to the fact that you're starting to teeth and I went back to work.

You're wearing size 2 diapers and wear size 3-6 month clothes comfortably. You're not near as long as sissy was so her clothes fit you a tad bit differently. You're a little chunky monkey and I love it so much. Your squishy little cheeks and thighs are to die for. You laugh out loud ALL the time when you're being played with. You love to cackle more than anything. You are just the sweetest little thing even when you're being a little mess. We can't wait to see what month 4 holds, baby girl!!

We love you so much!!

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