2015 has been so exciting so far. We found out some really great news New Years Day, but I can't tell what it is just yet. All I can say is that we are sooooooo excited. I don't know about you, but last Monday morning was just such as drag at work. Being off for the holidays had really spoiled me. I'm still not completely adjusted back to work yet. Last Wednesday, our sweet Nova girl had to get spayed and had a hernia repaired. When I picked her up Thursday it was seriously the saddest thing. She had a cone on and she couldn't jump in my arms fast enough. Now the rules were pretty strict; she is wear the cone at all times unless she is right beside us and we do not let her lick her sutures. She is not allowed to jump, run or climb stairs. Um, seriously? She is a puppy who literally just learned how to jump on/off the couch a week ago. All she wants to do is run and play. She is terrified of the cone every time she runs into the wall or it hits her bowl when she tries to eat. We've been having to give her water through a water bottle because she just won't drink from her bowl. I think its affecting me way more than it is her though. It makes me so sad to see her so limited. She's lost weight too. I'm sure this post sounds so weird and believe me I was totally one of those people who never understood how someone could love an animal so much. But I'm definitely that person now. I love her so much and I don't know what I would do if something happened to her. She is our first baby and has been a great companion for me as we've been trying to conceive for the past 5 months. When I would have my down days and feelings of despair and doubt she always knew. She would just lay beside me and be my little cuddle bug because it was what I needed most. Bradley just don't understand it all so Nova has been my only companion through it all. Dogs really are a man's best friend. Oh and last night we went to the hospital to see precious baby Kyree. Bradley's aunt and uncle just had their second little boy on Thursday and we were so stoked to him. Bradley is terrified of little babies. He didn't even want to hold him because he was afraid he would hurt him. He has really big hands and he always thinks he's going to drop them. He did great though. He always says he's not ready for kids but he will be when they get here. Kyree will be some great practice for when that day comes for us. :)
Poor baby girl! |
She just cuddled with me all day after I picked her up! |